Media & copyright consent

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The following are considered personal data and are therefore subject to the GDPR:

  • Photographs and video of individuals who are the focus of a shot
  • Audio recordings of individuals
  • Written word of individuals
Filming individuals and small groups

The regulations require that a person is given explicit and detailed consent for how their data will be used and stored by the University. Signed consent must be obtained. 

Filming large groups

If you are filming where lots of people are present, for example a lecture room, you must ask if everyone present is happy to be filmed. If anyone does not wish to be filmed, instruct the camera operator to exclude that person. If necessary, identify an area of the room that will not be in shot where people who do not wish to be filmed can sit.

You should do the following:

  • Notify attendees in advance that the event is to be filmed/recorded, outlining any necessary arrangements for those wishing to attend but not to be filmed.
  • Make an announcement at the start of the lecture/seminar telling people that the event is being filmed/recorded.
  • Put up filming in progress poster(s) on entrance doors to alert people who enter rooms where filming is planned to take place.
  • Put a note on the agenda that the event is being filmed/recorded.

Please note that if you film minors permission from their parent or carer will need to be sought. Further guidance on the above can be sought from the Data Protection & Freedom of Information Office.

Copyright consent

If you want to use someone else's work in any video, you will need the permission of the copyright owner especially if it is to be published in a digital publication or shared on the internet, via social media for example. Somebody else's work can include photographs, video, music, audio recordings, graphic design, artwork. Proof of consent should be obtained in all instances, whether via written correspondence or more formal arrangements such as license agreements.

Media consent form

External Relations have developed a Privacy notice & media consent form that you can download and adapt for your own specific needs.

Please note: We are unable to provide guidance or approval on GDPR-related queries, you should contact the Data Protection & Freedom of Information Office.