Are you 18 to 25 with an interest in poetry or art?

I’m an undergraduate English Literature student and I’ve been granted some funding to host a workshop investigating the relationship between poetry and visual expression.

This is a fantastic opportunity to play around with paint, engage in creative discussion and have a vibrant evening. It will be three hours long and include studio space, free art materials, music and plenty of free refreshments.

The task is to visually interpret my original poems in whichever way you feel appropriate – but there is no pressure for your interpretations to conform to any artistic standards, just come and have fun!

You don’t have to be an artist, or a poet, to be involved – just 18-25 and interested in taking part in a relaxed, creative project!

If you’re interested, please email: with a brief introduction explaining why you’d like to come along – only ten spaces available, and it’s first come, first serve!

The event will be at The Project Café on Saturday the 26 May, 6 – 9pm, and is funded by Nurturing Talent – Time to Shine and Creative Scotland.

Alice Hill-Woods

Ekphrastic Glasgow poster

First published: 9 May 2018