Do you want to know how to use Moodle more effectively in your teaching or just use more of Moodle’s functionality?

LEADS has put together a Moodle course entitled ‘How To Moodle’. This course offers technical guides as well as providing learning and teaching ideas that you might like to consider when developing your Moodle courses.

Anyone with a GUID can self-enrol, and you can access the course here:

The How To Moodle course will be updated regularly with new resources. Next month features guidance on how to make your Moodle course look and feel engaging and attractive.

We aim to be responsive to user needs, so please give us feedback, and if you have a resource or activity that you would like to submit as an exemplar, please get in touch via the How To Moodle course.

This new resource accompanies weekly-drop in-sessions on Wednesday between 12.30pm and 1.30pm in the Jura Lab on Level 4 of the Main Library throughout Semester 1.

First published: 2 October 2017