Dr Hassan Al-Budairi, of Science and Engineering, has been named as a finalist in the Scottish Knowledge Exchange Awards 2018. The awards, run by Interface, celebrate impacts achieved through collaborative business and academic partnerships. 

Dr Al-Budairi, a KTP Associate of the School of Engineering at the University, was commended for a project undertaken with QTS Ltd. of Lanarkshire that aimed to develop an efficient and cost-effective design of rockfall catch fences to enhance protection on railways.

This outstanding work has seen him nominated for the Building skills through Knowledge Exchange award that recognises final year students, Postgraduate students or Knowledge Transfer Partnership [KTP] Associates who have worked within a business on a specific project to enhance innovation.

He will compete against colleagues from University of Strathclyde and Edinburgh Napier University for this award and the winner will be crowned at the ceremony on Thursday 22 Feburary 2018 at the Royal Bank of Scotland Conference Centre, Edinburgh.

One of the judges, Dr Stuart Fancey, Director of Research and Innovation at The Scottish Funding Council, said: “The calibre of entries to this year’s awards was very impressive – as was the diversity. From collaborations involving small businesses to our national health service, today’s shortlist reveals an exciting range of business-academic partnerships. The Scottish Funding Council is delighted to see universities and innovation centres playing such a strong role in the successes of Scotland’s businesses and public sector.”

Funded by the Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Enterprise, and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Interface is a free and impartial service which aims to stimulate demand for innovation and encourage companies to consider academic support to help solve their business challenges.


First published: 12 January 2018