16/10/2017 - 29/10/2017

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £1,076, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Professor S Cleaveland (PI), Zoonoses and Emerging Livestock Systems ZELS Reducing the risk to livestock and people programme associated studentships - ZELS-AS

Cancer Research UK, £404,942, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Professor OJ Sansom (PI), Precision-Panc: a dynamic therapeutic development                               

Cancer Research UK, £140,553, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Professor OJ Sansom (PI), Precision-Panc: a dynamic therapeutic development                               

Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £7,482, SPS - CENTRAL & EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES, Dr A Florea (PI), De Facto States in International Politics (2012-2015)

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £367,786, LIBRARY, Miss V McCutcheon (PI), 2017/18 RCUK Open Access Block Grants

Joseph Rowntree Foundation, £5,000, Heriot-Watt University, Prof G Bramley, SPS - URBAN STUDIES, Professor N Bailey, Professor AL Hastings (PI), Serving Deprived Communities in a Recession: assessing the impact of local government contraction on vulnerable people and deprived places

Natural Environment Research Council, £47,147, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr D Koehn (PI), NERC Oil and Gas Collaborative Doctoral Training Centre 2014

Parkinson's Disease Society, £0, RI NEUROSCIENCE & PSYCHOLOGY, Dr D Grosset (PI), Tracking Parkinson's: The long term development and analysis of the Parkinson's repository of biomarkers and networked datasets (PROBAND phase 2)

Scottish Funding Council, £0, University of Strathclyde, Dr M Zagnoni, VPO OFFICE OF THE VICE-PRINCIPALS, Professor SP Beaumont (PI), Feasibility study to use enhanced fluorescent imaging and microfuildic technology for high throughput drug screening of patient derived tumour cell models

16/10/2017 - 29/10/2017

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £1,076, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Professor S Cleaveland (PI), Zoonoses and Emerging Livestock Systems ZELS Reducing the risk to livestock and people programme associated studentships - ZELS-AS

Cancer Research UK, £404,942, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Professor OJ Sansom (PI), Precision-Panc: a dynamic therapeutic development                               

Cancer Research UK, £140,553, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Professor OJ Sansom (PI), Precision-Panc: a dynamic therapeutic development                               

Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £7,482, SPS - CENTRAL & EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES, Dr A Florea (PI), De Facto States in International Politics (2012-2015)

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £367,786, LIBRARY, Miss V McCutcheon (PI), 2017/18 RCUK Open Access Block Grants

Joseph Rowntree Foundation, £5,000, Heriot-Watt University, Prof G Bramley, SPS - URBAN STUDIES, Professor N Bailey, Professor AL Hastings (PI), Serving Deprived Communities in a Recession: assessing the impact of local government contraction on vulnerable people and deprived places

Natural Environment Research Council, £47,147, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr D Koehn (PI), NERC Oil and Gas Collaborative Doctoral Training Centre 2014

Parkinson's Disease Society, £0, RI NEUROSCIENCE & PSYCHOLOGY, Dr D Grosset (PI), Tracking Parkinson's: The long term development and analysis of the Parkinson's repository of biomarkers and networked datasets (PROBAND phase 2)

Scottish Funding Council, £0, University of Strathclyde, Dr M Zagnoni, VPO OFFICE OF THE VICE-PRINCIPALS, Professor SP Beaumont (PI), Feasibility study to use enhanced fluorescent imaging and microfuildic technology for high throughput drug screening of patient derived tumour cell models