07/11/2016 - 20/11/2016

Angus Citizens Advice Bureau, £4,000, BUS - TERU, Mr A McTier (PI), Research on Advice Services in Rural Angus

Arts and Humanities Research Council, £3,416, CCA - THEATRE FILM AND TV STUDIES, Professor DE Heddon (PI), Disability and Community: Dis/engagement, dis/enfranchisement, dis/parity and dissent - aka The D4D project

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £120,125, RI MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Professor A Tobin (PI),GPR120: a G protein-coupled receptor with the potential to regulate insulin secretion and inflammation

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £0, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr K Fairlie-Clarke, Dr L Matthews (PI), Professor MJ Stear, Salivary IgA as a biomarker of nematode infection in small ruminants

Bloodwise, £133,247, RI CANCER SCIENCES, Professor M Copland (PI), Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research Therapy Acceleration Programme

Economic & Social Research Council, £1,300, ED - ROBERT OWEN CENTRE, Professor C Dimmock (PI), ESRC-IAA- Expanding Research and Impact Partnerships in SE Asia

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £15,827, ENG - ENGINEERING SYSTEMS POWER & ENERGY, Professor M Lucas (PI), EPSRC-IAA: Incorporating new ultrasonic transducers in Stryker tissue cutting instruments.

European Commission, £378,329, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Professor SA Brewster (PI), TEAM

Glasgow City Council, £4,981, LS - ANIMAL BIOLOGY, Dr SA White, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr DJ McCafferty (PI), Water Vole Survey

Glasgow Natural History Society, £1,600, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr R Biek (PI), The role of deer in the spatial distribution of Lyme disease pathogens in a naturally fragmented landscape

MQ: Transforming Mental Health, £299,993, IHW - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING, Professor R O'Connor (PI), Professor D Smith, Mrs S Syrett, IHW - MRC/CSO SPHU, Professor S Simpson, IHW - ROBERTSON CENTRE, Dr A McConnachie, Safety Planning Intervention with Follow-up Telephone Contact (SAFE TEL) to Reduce Suicidal Behaviour: A Feasibility Study

Medical Research Council, £87,356, III - BACTERIOLOGY, Dr G Douce, Dr DC Walker (PI), MVLS MED -HUMAN NUTRITION, Dr K Gerasimidis, CiC Precision engineering of the human gut microbiome

Medical Research Council, £23,000, MVLS III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Dr E Thomson (PI), Is the Ugandan Population Vulnerable to a Zika Virus Epidemic?

Medical Research Scotland, £2,000, MVLS MED - DERMATOLOGY, Dr JA Quinn (PI), Role on non cannoical Nh-kB pathway in colorectal cancer

NHS GGC Primary Care Liaison Team, £25,990, Glasgow Caledonian University, Professor P Flowers, IHW - MRC/CSO SPHU, Dr L McDaid (PI), Development of a social marketing/mass media intervention to increase HIV testing for gay & bisexual men and all MSM in Greater Glasgow & Clyde: Evidence synthesis and component analysis

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, £25,000, RI NEUROSCIENCE & PSYCHOLOGY, Dr D Grosset (PI), Classifying different subtypes of cognitive impairment in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, £427, IHW - MRC/CSO SPHU, Dr L McDaid (PI), SMMASH2 online survey of men who have sex with men in central Scotland           

National Institute for Health Research, £39,967, IHW - HEALTH ECON & TECH ASSESSMENT, Professor ES McIntosh (PI), A woman-centred, tailored SMS-delivered multi-component intervention for weight loss and maintenance of weight loss in the postpartum period: intervention adaptation and pilot RCT

National Institute of Health (USA), £171,221, RI CANCER SCIENCES, Professor P Adams (PI), Epigenetics of Aging and Age-associated diseases :  Epigenetic regulation of senescence and aging

National Trust for Scotland, £9,047, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Professor CE Adams (PI), Analysis of Conservation Refuges for Vendace

Natural Environment Research Council, £243,445, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Professor J Matthiopoulos (PI), The interplay between life history evolution and population dynamics can help us conserve data-poor species and reveal how they evolved           

Natural Environment Research Council, £127,000, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr L Naylor, Professor S Waldron (PI), The transmissive critical zone: understanding the karst hydrology-biogeochemical interface for sustainable management

Petsavers, £7,150, VET - SMALL ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES, Professor I Ramsey (PI), The relationship between haemoglobin A1c measured in a novel immunoturbidity assay, other markers of glycaemic control and outcomes of diabetes mellitus in dogs

Research Councils UK, £59,972, VPO VICE PRINCIPAL RESEARCH & ENTERPRISE, Professor JM Cooper (PI), RCUK Public Engagement with research Catalyst SEED Fund (CSF)

Royal Society of Edinburgh, £39,575, SS - CAREERS SERVICE, Ms JH Weir (PI), WheelAir           

Science & Technologies Facilities Council, £400,000, S&E P&A - PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY, Professor CT Davies (PI), DiRAC 2.5 - the pathway to DiRAC phase 3

Science & Technologies Facilities Council, £3,006, CHEM - CHEMISTRY, Professor D Gregory (PI), A PND study on the structures of novel transition metal borohydride hydrazinates as potential hydrogen stores has been allocated beam time as follows: Instrument: D20  Beam time allocation  

Scottish Council on Archives, £3,320, LAW - CREATE, Miss V Stobo (PI), LAW - LAW, Professor R Deazley, SCHOOL OF LAW, Professor M Kretschmer, Development of an international treaty on copyright exceptions for libraries and archives - attendance at WIPO.

Scottish Funding Council, £141,876, MRIO - MARKETING, RECRUIT & INT OFFICE, Dr N Croll (PI), REACH Scotland (Access to the High Demand Professions Programme)

Scottish Funding Council, £50,000, RSI - CENTRE FOR SENSORS & IMAGING SYS, Mr I Reid (PI), Wearable Sensor

The Genetics Society, £18,000, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Professor B Mable (PI), Editorial Assistant Funding to support Journal Editor

The William Lind Foundation, £97,000, SPS - ECONOMIC & SOCIAL HISTORY, Professor RG Stokes (PI), The William Lind Foundation Funding

Urban Studies Foundation, £150,000, SPS - URBAN STUDIES, Professor AL Hastings (PI), Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Urban Studies Foundation, £115,002, SPS - URBAN STUDIES, Professor AL Hastings (PI), Urban Studies Foundation Doctoral Research Programme 2016/2017

Wellcome Trust, £316,194, RI INFECTION IMMUNITY & INFLAMMATION, Professor J Penades (PI), Understanding bacterial host adaptation to combat infectious diseases

Wellcome Trust, £6,500, LIBRARY, Mrs MK Rankin (PI), Improving access to the archives of Erskine Hospital Ltd, established 1916 as the Princess Louise Hospital for Limbless Sailors and Soldiers