09/06/2014 to 22/06/2014

Arts and Humanities Research Council, £55,827, GES - GES ADMINISTRATION, Miss D Stewart, SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHICAL & EARTH SCIENCES, Dr S Naylor (PI),AHRC CDA: Magnetism, Scientific Instruments and Expeditionary Science in the Nineteenth Century.

Beaufort Educational Trust,£3,580, VET - LARGE ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES &PH, Dr T Parkin, VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES, Dr PE Johnston (PI),Creation and Validation of a Scoring System for Intestinal Lesions in Horses.

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council,£2,500     ,VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES, Dr EM Graham (PI),BBSRC Research Experience Placements 2014.

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council,£2,500     ,VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES, Prof TJ Anderson, Dr M Mclaughlin (PI),BBSRC Research Experience Placements 2014.

British Academy,£3,675, LAW - LAW, Prof L Farmer, Dr CM Kelly (PI),Criminalisation of Children in Scotland 1910 – 1971.

Cancer Research UK,£89,579, IHW - PUBLIC HEALTH, Dr DS Morrison (PI),MVLS MED - ANAESTHESIA, Prof J Kinsella, Dr T Quasim, Outcome of cancer patients with critical illness requiring intensive care admission.

Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, £3,000, ENG - ENGINEERING SYSTEMS POWER & ENERGY, Dr IA Watson (PI), Development of photobioreactors for microalgae bioremediation of cooling water from the Fukushima plant.

Education Scotland, £10,000, ED - PEDAGOGY, POLICY & PRACTICE, Prof K Livingston (PI), Further development of a strengthened model of professional learning through the mentoring process.

European Commission, £189,871, ENG - ENGINEERING SYSTEMS POWER & ENERGY, Prof P Younger (PI), LoCAL.

Humanist Society of Scotland,£38,750, HU - HISTORY, Prof C Brown (PI),LAW - LAW, Dr J Mair, Audit of religious privilege in the law and constitution of Scotland.

International Group of Specialist Racing Veterinarians, £596, VET - LARGE ANIMAL CLINICAL SCIENCES &PH, Dr T Parkin (PI),Attendance at ICRAV 2014.

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Endowment Funds Office,£38,182, RI INFECTION IMMUNITY & INFLAMMATION, Prof NC Thomson (PI),Staff Salaries.

NHS Greater Glasgow and CLyde,£20,000, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof MR Walters (PI),GU Clinical Pharmacology Development Fund.

Royal Society,£10,000, ENG - BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, Dr N Gadegaard (PI), A chemo-mechanical model for cell response on nanopatterned surfaces.

Scottish Funding Council,£1,763,789, CCA - THEATRE FILM AND TV STUDIES, Prof DE Heddon (PI),Scottish Graduate School for the Arts and Humanities.
Scottish Funding Council,£70,000, HU - CELTIC AND GAELIC, Miss F Dunn (PI),National Summer School 2014-2017.

Scottish Funding Council,£5,000, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE,Dr M Bell (PI),Investigating the Feasibility of iBeacons Technology for Mobile Marketing Applications (SFC 17).

Society of Biology,£1,440, INP - CENTRE FOR NEUROSCIENCE,Prof AJ Todd (PI),Expression of kappa opioid receptors by spinal neurons in the itch pathway.

The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£40,000, III - BACTERIOLOGY,Prof TJ Evans (PI),Carnegie Centenary Professorship to Professor Brett Finlay.

The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£1,000, CRIT - SCOTTISH LITERATURE,Dr RL Brown (PI),Eighteenth-Century Scottish Authors and the Periodical Press, c.1720-c.1820.

The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£990, SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES & CULTURES,Dr JM Bates (PI),Translation and Dissent in Stalin-Era People's Poland.

The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,£911, HU - HISTORY,Dr B White (PI),Research in the UK for a biography of the Bacquba refugee camp.

UGLASGOW SINGAPORE PTE LTD,£0, ENG - ENGINEERING SYSTEMS POWER & ENERGY,Prof Y Li (PI),Experimental Investigation and Optimisation of a Si3N4-based ceramic powder injection molding process for the manufacturing of ceramic cutter inserts.

Wellcome Trust,£2,000, III - PARASITOLOGY,Dr R Mcculloch (PI),Determining why global genome nucleotide excision repair is an essential repair pathway in Trypanosoma brucei.

Wellcome Trust,£2,000     ,VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES,Dr P Yam (PI),Impact of canine overweight and obesity on health-related quality of life.

Wellcome Trust,£2,000, MVLS MED - UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOL,Dr T Iwata (PI),Mechanims of FGFR3-dependent suppression of inflammation in invasive bladder cancer model.

Wellcome Trust,£2,000, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES,Dr S Johnstone (PI),The coordinated roles of connexin and pannexin proteins in HeLa cell apoptosis.

Wellcome Trust,£2,000, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED,Dr B Mable (PI),Evolution of resistance to anthelmintics in nematodes.

Wellcome Trust,£1,500, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES,Prof G Baillie (PI),Regulation of BACE1 Levels by Degradation and Interaction with UCH-L1.