13/08/2012 - 26/08/2012

Arts and Humanities Research Council, £99,998, SPS - CENTRAL & EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES, Prof RR Berry (PI),Dr C Mcmanus, LBAS Phase II.

Arts and Humanities Research Council, £13,015, CCA - HISTORY OF ART, Dr SJ Rush (PI), Staging and Representing the Scottish Renaissance Court.

Arts and Humanities Research Council, £10,812, ARTS ACADEMIC AND STUDENT ADMIN, Ms V Stringfellow (PI), VICE PRINCIPAL RESEARCH & ENTERPRISE, Prof SP Beaumont, AHRC Doctoral Training Funding 2007-08.

Arts and Humanities Research Council, £1,571, ED - CREATIVITY, CULTURE & FAITH, Prof AM Phipps (PI), Engage: Performing engagement in health and wellbeing research.     

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £2,831,930, MVLS COLLEGE SENIOR MANAGEMENT, Prof M Maclean (PI), MVLS GRADUATE SCHOOL,Ms M Barlass, BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership 2012.

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £272,855, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Prof D Haydon (PI), Epi-SEQ - Molecular epidemiology of epizootic diseases using next generation sequencing technology.

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £2,500, VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES, Dr EM Graham (PI), BBSRC Research Experience Placements 2012.

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, £2,500, VET - VETERINARY BIOSCIENCES, Dr C Lamm (PI), BBSRC Research Experience Placements 2012.

Bord na Gaidhlig, £15,000, HU - CELTIC AND GAELIC, Prof R O Maolalaigh (PI), Gaelic Language Officer and Gaelic Language.

British Council, £1,712, ED - INTERDISC. SCIENCE ED TECH & LEARN., Mrs D Wilson (PI),Participation in an in-service training activity.

British Heart Foundation, £538,912, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof AH Baker, Prof AF Dominiczak (PI), Prof GL Smith, BHF 4 Year PhD Programme.

British Heart Foundation, £442,711, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, Dr NW Morrell, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof AH Baker (PI), Prof M Maclean, Development of MiR145 Antagonism as a novel Therapeutic strategy for Application to the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Cancer Research UK, £60,101, RI CANCER SCIENCES, Ms CA Bray, Prof TR Evans (PI), Mr J Paul, Phase I/IIA Study of AZD4547 in Combination with Cisplatin and Capecitabine (CX).

Cancer Research UK, £56,385, Cambridge University, Professor V Gnanpragasm, IHW - HEALTH ECON & TECH ASSESSMENT, Prof AH Briggs, RI CANCER SCIENCES, Dr RJ Jones, Prof HY Leung (PI), Mr J Paul, University of Surrey, Professor H Phanda, A randomised controlled trial of deferred androgen deprivation therapy +/- upfront cryotherapy in men with localised radiation recurrent prostate cancer (RRPC) to evaluate efficacy and tolerability.

Chest, Heart & Stroke, Scotland, £200, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof P Langhorne (PI), How can we identify promising rehabilitation treatments at an early stage of the research process?

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council, £1,427,654, ENG - ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS & NANO ENG, Dr B Choubey, Prof D Cumming (PI), Prof CN Ironside, Prof IG Thayne, Triple wavelength superspectral camera focal-plane array (SUPERCAMERA).

Golden Jubilee Hospital, £109,375, MVLS MED - ANAESTHESIA, Prof J Kinsella (PI), Award to cover clinical salary costs.

Guillain-Barre Support Group of the United Kingdom, £70,000, III - INFECTION & IMMUNITY - MEDICINE, Prof HJ Willison (PI), Clinical and biological determinants of disease course in Guillain-Barre syndrome: a prospective UK-wide clinical initiative.

Kidney Research UK, £134,758, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr T Van Agtmael (PI),Elucidation of molecular pathways underlying renal disease caused by Co/4a 1 mutations using mouse models.

Leverhulme Trust, £62,381, SPS - SOCIOLOGY, Dr N Brodie, Prof SR Mackenzie, Dr D Yates (PI), Illicit Traffic in Latin American Antiquities: the local and global dynamics of a criminal market.

London Mathematical Society, £460, COM - COMPUTING SCIENCE, Dr J Singer (PI), Small grant award for travel and networking.

Medical Research Council,£214,327, III - INFECTION & IMMUNITY - MEDICINE, Dr JS Nijjar (PI), III - INFECTION & IMMUNITY-LIFE SCIENCES, Prof I Mcinnes, Scottish Clinical Pharmacology and Pathology Programme (SCP3) - Fellowship 2011.

Medical Research Council, £30,000, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES., Prof OJ Sansom, MVLS ACADEMIC & STUDENT ADMINISTRATION, Ms KC Mccluskey, MVLS GRADUATE SCHOOL, Ms M Barlass, VICE PRINCIPAL RESEARCH & ENTERPRISE, Ms M Kneafsey (PI), MRC Doctoral Training Grant 2011-2015.

Medical Research Council, £8,778, ICS - BEATSON INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RES.,Prof OJ Sansom,MVLS ACADEMIC & STUDENT ADMINISTRATION,Ms KC Mccluskey, MVLS GRADUATE SCHOOL,Ms M Barlass, VICE PRINCIPAL RESEARCH & ENTERPRISE, Ms M Kneafsey (PI), MRC Doctoral Training Grant 2011-2015.

Medical Research Scotland,£1,840, III - INFECTION & IMMUNITY - MEDICINE,Dr C Goodyear (PI),Evaluation of the osteoclasotgenic mechanisms that are altered by immunomulation.

Natural Environment Research Council, £532,674, RI BIODIVERSITY ANIMAL HEALTH & COMPMED, Dr S Killen (PI), The Influence of Individual Physiology on Group Behaviour in Fish Schools.

Royal Society of Edinburgh, £375,948, CHEM - CHEMISTRY, Dr JG Hill (PI), Accurate theoretical protocol for homogeneous transition metal catalysis.

Scottish Government, £17,705, ED - TEACHING,Mrs JM Barlow (PI), Circle of Care.

The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, £2,170, HU - ARCHAEOLOGY, Dr C Dalglish (PI), Cultural Heritage and the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention.

The Scottish Government, £15,049, HU - CELTIC AND GAELIC, Prof R O Maolalaigh (PI), Gaelic Language Officer and Gaelic Language.

Wellcome Trust, £350,000, MVLS MED -HUMAN NUTRITION, Prof S Nelson, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Prof NA Sattar (PI), The relationship of the menopausal transition to healthy aging and chronic disease risk.

Wellcome Trust, £236,711, III - INFECTION & IMMUNITY - MEDICINE, Prof G Graham (PI), Evaluating the Chemokine receptor D6 as a marker and therapeutic.                             

Wellcome Trust, £20,321, RI  MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof DG Monckton (PI), Next generation sequencing (NGS) approaches to genotyping in myotonic dystrophy type 1 (ISSF Catalyst Fund).

Wellcome Trust, £20,200, III - INFECTION & IMMUNITY-LIFE SCIENCES, Prof AP Page (PI),LS - BIOMOLECULAR SCIENCE, Dr IL Johnstone, RI  MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof NJ Bulleid, Identifying factors modulating the redox balance in the endoplasmic reticulum using the model system Carnorhabditis elegans (ISSF Catalyst Fund).

Wellcome Trust, £17,000, III - INFECTION & IMMUNITY-LIFE SCIENCES, Dr K Burgess, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr J Dawson (PI), Prof H Mischak, Dr W Mullen, The iomarkers in Stroke Programme; Detecting, Understanding, and Predicting Outcome After Stroke (ISSF Catalyst Fund).

Wellcome Trust, £15,000, III - INFECTION & IMMUNITY-LIFE SCIENCES, Dr NJ Dickens (PI), Prof JC Mottram, Leishmania genome sequence diversity and disease tropism in the Sudan (ISSF Catalyst Fund).

Wellcome Trust, £15,000, RI  MOLECULAR CELL & SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, Prof G Milligan, RI CARDIOVASCULAR & MEDICAL SCIENCES, Dr JC Mountford (PI), Characterisation of T16, a novel stem cell survival compound (ISSF Catalyst Fund).

Wellcome Trust, £8,527, III - CENTRE FOR VIRUS RESEARCH, Prof MJ Hosie, Prof BJ Willett (PI), Identification of a novel viral agent in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-associated lymphomagenesis (ISSF Catalyst Fund).