Responding to Human Trafficking

Published: 12 October 2015

To mark EU Anti-Trafficking Day, University of Glasgow will host a panel event with insight from law enforcement agencies, front line support and first responders.

Event: Responding to Human Trafficking: Perspectives from Europe and Scotland
Time: 3pm - 5pm, Wednesday 21 October 2015 (refreshments available from 5pm)
Venue: Yudowitz Room, Wolfson Medical School Building, University Avenue
Registration: Get your free ticket at Eventbrite

To mark EU Anti-Trafficking Day, University of Glasgow is proud to host a panel event bringing together expertise and insight from law enforcement agencies, front line support and first responders working in Scotland and Europe.

The purpose of the event is to shine a light on the multi-level complexities involved in responding effectively to Human Trafficking and to generate discussion on how this affects Scotland.

Presentations will be given by:

  • Europol, Chief of Staff, Brian Donald
  • Scottish Government, Head of Human Trafficking and Licensing Unit, Quentin Fisher
  • Police Scotland, National Human Trafficking Unit, Detective Inspector Christopher Lewis
  • Legal Services Agency, Head of Women's and Young Persons department, Kirsty Thompson
  • Researcher, University of Glasgow, Steven Marshall

Short presentations from the panellists will be followed by a Q&A. Audience members are invited to submit questions in advance by emailing

This format is used to encourage and ensure that a wide variety of questions is put to the panellists.

The event will be chaired by John Morrison (media consultant and former BBC Europe correspondent).

The event is organised and supported jointly by University of Glasgow's Scottish Centre for Criminal Justice Research, Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network, Glasgow Human Rights Network and Glasgow Global Security Network.

This is a free, public event but prior registration via Eventbrite is required.

First published: 12 October 2015

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