Dr Matthew Maycock of the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit was invited by UN Women to present the findings of his research into masculinities at its headquarters in New York this month.

Matthew MaycockHis presentation focused on masculinities in post-conflict Nepal and he also discussed his research in secure institutions and prisons in Scotland. 

Dr Maycock’s work as part of the Settings and Organisations Programme at the Unit looks at the notion of multiple masculinities and its relation to men, gender, power, violence and health.

He was joined by representatives of UN Women, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Programme from offices across the world. The group discussed the implications of locally specific processes of social change that are creating tension between traditional and modern conceptions of masculinity, and to explore the potential of young men to advocate for positive change.

To view the presentation, please visit How Do Masculinities Influence Sexual and Gender-based Violence

Dr Maycock also had the opportunity to give a talk to The Working Group on Girls.

UN Women is currently running an international campaign HeForShe part of the IMPACT 10X10X10 initiative to gain further momentum in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment. Dr Maycock hopes to attend the sixtieth session of the Commission on the Status of Women(CSW60) at the United Nations Headquarters in March

First published: 17 November 2015