UofG Graduate takes up directorship

Published: 13 April 2015

University of Glasgow graduate Leanne Sherry has recently been appointed as director of Leaders of Entrepreneurial Scotland.

University of Glasgow graduate Leanne Sherry has recently been appointed as director of Leaders of Entrepreneurial Scotland.

Entrepreneurial Scotland is an organisation formed last year which aims to create an ecosystem of people in Scotland and beyond who share an entrepreneurial mind-set.

From the Entrepreneurial Scotland ecosystem, two networks have formed. The first is the Future Leaders which is for people who are at an early stage in their career and have ambition to lead companies. The other network is the Leaders, for individuals who have achieved sustainable growth and want to grow their enterprise.

Leanne is the Director of the Leaders of Entrepreneurial Scotland. She is responsible for the network of more than 400 CEOs across Scotland who collectively turnover £17 billion and employ 150,000 people.

Leanne said: “Five years ago, a Scottish ex-pat living and working in New York said something to me I'll never forget. He said: ‘The people with the get-up-and-go in Scotland, got up and went.'

'The people with the get-up-and-go in Scotland, got up and went.’

“It was a message which stuck with me. It shocked and saddened me that people could feel this way about the opportunities in our country.

“I fundamentally don't believe it is true.

“At Entrepreneurial Scotland we believe by joining up and learning from each other, we can make Scotland the most entrepreneurial society in the world.”

Leanne studied for a joint honours degree in Business Management and Geography at the University of Glasgow and graduated in 2009.

During her time at The University she had the opportunity to take part in two Club 21 internships.

Leanne said: “It’s only looking back now that I can see how influential those internships have been.”

The first Club 21 internship, Leanne undertook involved working with the GlobalScot team in Scottish Enterprise on their online strategy and event planning.

Leanne describes the internship as “invaluable, hands on experience.”

The second placement Leanne gained was with a marketing agency in Edinburgh. This paved the way for Leanne to secure a place on BskyB's marketing graduate programme. This is a highly competitive programme where Leanne won one of just six places out of 1,200 applicants.

After working for BskyB, Leanne went on to become a Saltire Foundation Fellow. This involved moving to America to study entrepreneurship at Babson College in Boston while also working on consultancy projects.

She finished up the fellowship by working for a company called Blipfoto based in Edinburgh. Her fast-moving career has now led her to take up the directorship with Leaders of Entrepreneurial Scotland.

Leanne claims much of her success can be attributed to her time spent at the University of Glasgow and the opportunities she gained while studying.

'It gave me the confidence to push myself, say yes, go outside of my comfort zone.'

She said: “Club 21 taught me to go for it. It gave me the confidence to push myself, say ‘yes’, go outside of my comfort zone and I wouldn't be where I am today without this start. “

Leanne describes her time at Glasgow as a “life changing experience.”

She said: “I met lecturers who changed and challenged the way I think, and I met other students who I still consider close friends today.”

Leanne is looking forward to embracing her new role at Entrepreneurial Scotland.

She said: “I want to build an ecosystem where the people with the 'get up and go' in Scotland will have the opportunity to do so here, and make a difference in whatever they want to do.”

For more information about Club 21 visit Careers Service Internships.

For more information about Entrepreneurial Scotland, visit Entrepreneurial Scotland

First published: 13 April 2015

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