Chaidh a’ chiad Latha Gàidhlig san Oilthigh a chumail air Diardaoin 22mh an t-Samhain le measgachadh de thachartasan Gàidhlig a’ dol air adhart air feadh àrainn an Oilthighe.

B’ e amas Latha na Gàidhlig, cleachdadh agus ìomhaigh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh ann an dòighean agus àiteachan ùra air feadh an Oilthighe. Thèid Latha na Gàidhlig a chumail gach bliadhna bho seo air adhart a-rèir Plana Gàidhlig an Oilthighe 2012-2017, a fhuair aontachadh bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig nas tràithe sa mhìos.

Gaelic Day 1Thòisich an latha ann an Togalach Fhriseil, le bòrd fiosrachaidh, soidhnichean dà-chànanach, blasad Gàidhlig, cothrom còmhraidh agus ceòl beò bho oileanaich Ghàidhlig. Ann an co-bhonn ris an t-streith chuirmein ‘Ceòl san Oilthigh’, bha sinn air leth toilichte fàilte a chur air Karen NicMhathain ann an Caibeal an Oilthighe airson cuirm shònraichte feasgar Diardaoin a tharraing mu 240 luchd-èisteachd. Thàinig Latha na Gàidhlig gu crìoch air oidhche Dhiardaoin le Oidhche Chlub ann an Aonadh na Banrìgh Maireid le ceòl bho Halcyon agus seat DJ le Niteworks. ’S e dà chòmhlan a tha seo a bhios a’ cleachdadh ceòl Gàidhlig agus ceòl traidiseanta san fharsaingeachd ann an dòighean gu tùr eadar-dhealaichte àbhaist. B’ e oidhche àraid agus soirbheachail a bh’ ann.

Chaidh lèintean-t Gàidhlig a dhealbhadh airson an latha seo (faic an dealbh), agus faodar an ceannach fhathast airson £5 bho Oifigear Gàidhlig an Oilthighe.

Ma tha ùidh agad a’ Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh, carson nach toir thu sùil air cùrsaichean ùra Ionad an Oilein Fhosgailte a bhios a’ tòiseachadh anns an Fhaoilleach 2013? Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh an-seo: agus

Ma tha sibh airson cumail suas ri tachartasan agus naidheachdan Gàidhlig anns an Oilthigh, faodaidh sibh ur n-ainm a chur air an stòr-dàta againn le fios a chur gu: agus gheibhear litrichean-naidheachd gu cunbhalach.


The University held its first Gaelic Language Day on Thursday 22nd November, with numerous Gaelic-related events taking place across the Gilmorehill campus.

 The aim of Gaelic Language Day was to promote the use of and visibility of Gaelic in new ways and in new places around the campus. Gaelic Language Day will now be an annual event in the University calendar as part of the University’s Gaelic Language Plan 2012-2017, which has just been approved by Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

Gaelic Day 2The day began in the Fraser Building, with an information stall, bilingual signage, Gaelic taster conversation sessions and live traditional music provided by some of our Gaelic students. In partnership with the Music in the University concert series, we were delighted to welcome Karen Matheson to the Glasgow University Memorial Chapel for a lunchtime performance which attracted around 240 attendees and was a fantastic event. Gaelic Language Day 2012 was brought to a close on Thursday night with a Gaelic Club Night in the Queen Margaret Union featuring music from Halcyon and a Niteworks DJ set, two acts that are pushing the boundaries of Scottish traditional music. The night was unique and proved a great success.

The University’s Gaelic Language Initiative commissioned the design of some unique Gaelic t-shirts for this event (pictured), which can still be purchased for £5 each from the Gaelic Language Officer.

Anyone with an interest in learning Gaelic, why not check out the new courses on offer at the Centre for Open Studies from January 2013? You can find out more information here: and

If you would like to keep up to date on Gaelic news and events from in and around the University, you can sign up to our database by e-mailing and be sent a regular newsletter.

First published: 30 November 2012

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