Learning and Teaching Committee – 19 September 2012

Call for Bids to the Learning and Teaching Development Fund: Second Stage

Professor Frank Coton, Vice Principal (Learning and Teaching)

 October 2012

1. Context

The Learning and Teaching Development Fund (LTDF) was established in 2000-01 to support development in Learning and Teaching, and awards made through this scheme have greatly contributed to the enhancement of learning and teaching across the University and to the delivery of the objectives of the University’s Learning and Teaching  Strategy

Following a first round of project allocations in June 2012 for session 2012-13, the Learning and Teaching Committee is now inviting a second round of small-scale bids.  The total funding available in this Call is £35,000.

2. Proposals

Bids should be for small projects (up to £3,000) to support developments in learning and teaching.   Bids can be made:

  • to help leverage external funding for learning and teaching projects
  • to fund participation in national projects where an institutional or team entry charge is levied, such as with some Higher Education Academy (HEA) schemes
  • to purchase teaching equipment to support an innovative project;  with explicit evaluation
  • to meet expenses for inviting external speakers, if aligned to the priorities of the L&T strategy

3. Procedure for submitting bids

Applications can be made from 31 October 2012.  All bids should be made directly to the relevant College Dean (Learning and Teaching). An outline bid document is provided in Appendix 1.

4. Selection process

All bids will be reviewed by each respective College Dean (Learning and Teaching).  If supported, the bids will be forwarded to the Vice-Principal (Learning and Teaching) for final approval.

5. Dissemination

Dissemination of the outcomes of a project may be required within the University, for example through a Learning and Teaching Centre event, or via a seminar(s) in another School/College, and the award holders will be expected to complete a summary of the outcomes of their work for publication on the Learning and Teaching Centre website.

A list of successful bids will be published on the Learning and Teaching Centre website along with the associated bid documents (applicants should indicate in their application, giving reasons, if they do NOT wish their bid document to be published).  The Learning and Teaching Centre will also record presentations made at any relevant event and will publish films and slides used during presentations on the Learning and Teaching Centre’s website in order to make the project outcomes available to the widest possible audience.

6. Application Deadline

Applications can be submitted at any time from 31st October 2012 and the scheme will remain open until 31 March 2013.  Decisions on funding will normally be taken within two weeks of receipt of a completed bid.  Please note that all grants awarded will have to be spent by the end of July 2013.

7. The Project Application

The summary and case for support should, in total, be no more than 1 side of A4 (11 point) with the indicative budget detailed on a separate page.

The bid should conform to the following structure.  Please note that hyperlinks can be included in the application to provide additional information, where appropriate.


The summary should:

  • Be succinct (no more than 200 words), using jargon free language - the document will need to be comprehensible to lay assessors;
  • Place the project in context, and clearly articulate the links to the University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy;
  • Describe the project, clearly stating the aims, intended outcomes and activities;
  • Identify how the project outcomes will be embedded within School/ College learning, teaching and assessment to benefit the UG and/or PGT student experience.

Case for Support

This section should:

  • Explain the need for the project with, where appropriate, reference to previous work
  • Describe the intended outcomes, explaining how the teaching and learning process and outputs will enhance e.g. student learning;
  • Describe the methodology that will be used;
  • Describe the strategy for evaluating the effectiveness of the project;
  • Indicate the project timescales including the expected completion date;
  • Identify, if appropriate, how many, students will benefit from the project;
  • Identify how the potential benefits of project outcomes will be transferred or be transferable to other areas of the University of Glasgow;
  • Identify how the benefits will be sustained beyond the period of the project.

8. Reporting

Brief financial reports may be requested by Mrs Mary Ramsay, Personal Assistant, Vice Principal’s Office (Learning and Teaching) to allow monitoring of the projected spending pattern.

9. Submission

Bids should be submitted (electronically) to College Dean (Learning and Teaching).

10. Enquiries

If you have queries on any of the topics below, please contact the relevant individual listed.

General proposal development - contact:

  • Dr Vicky Gunn , Director, Learning and Teaching Centre ;
  • Funding - contact: Mrs Mary Ramsay, Personal Assistant, Vice Principal's Office (Learning and Teaching)


First published: 2 November 2012

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