On March 1st H. E János Csák,  the new Hungarian Ambassador  to the U.K,  visited Glasgow along with trade commissioner Katalin Haás (Head of Hungarian Economic, Investment and Trade Commission in London),  Robert Fürjes (First Secretary,  Embassy of Hungary). 

The Ambassador gave a talk to a packed audience at Centre for Russian, Central and East European StudiesHungarian Ambassador (CRCEES) on the Central European view of the current crisis and Hungarian responses. The Ambassador was introduced by Professor Richard Berry who informed the audience that the Hungarian government had recently signed a new three year agreement to continue the Hungarian lecture post at the university. Furthermore, the Hungarian government will provide support for an annual postdoctoral fellowship.  Professor Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice Chancellor, hosted a reception and dinner for the Ambassador and invited guests. 

First published: 15 March 2012

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