As reported in last month’s Campus E-News, regular monthly updates from the Student Lifecycle Project will appear here to keep you in touch with developments on MyCampus.

At its latest meeting on Monday 5 March the SLP board discussed the implementation of the Lessons Learned recommendations;   the importance of plan rule testing; and the roll out of user training.

Update on Recommendations

The SLP Project Board is closely monitoring progress against the Lessons Learned recommendations, and would encourage all staff to take some time to see what has been done so far by checking out the ‘High Level Plan’ tab on the SLP website.

One key aspect is the establishment of Specialist User Groups for all areas. Those for Student Finance and Student Records have had their initial meetings, where the priority for both has been to improve the Registration and Enrolment process ahead of registration this Summer.

Arrangements for user support, especially during the critical summer period, are currently under review and recommendations on a support model will be presented to the Project Board at its April meeting.

Plan Rule Testing

Academic plans and plan rules were created by plan builders last year and in the majority of cases, the rules were able to provide the curriculum information required for student enrolment at the start of the 2012/13 this year.  We now need to ensure that the progression process will work as intended.

The successful application of progression rules is intended to deliver significant benefits.  When exam results are published this summer, the plan rules in MyCampus will be applied and the system will automatically progress students who have satisfied all their requirements.  This will allow students to proceed to registration and enrolment for the next stage of their programme.

Plan rules need to be tested within Colleges against real results in a test version of MyCampus to check the progression status of students, when the plan rules are applied, is correct.  The Deans of Learning and Teaching will be developing plans for this activity within their Colleges and reporting on progress to the Project Board. Details on this will be given in future editions of Campus E-News


Effective and comprehensive training is a key component of the successful use of MyCampus. A  range of training opportunities and informal sessions for staff are available, full details of which can be found on the SLP website under MyCampus Training. We would urge all users of the system to take up the training opportunities, or to advise of any additional help that you think might be needed. 

The team is also reviewing the support materials and training documentation to ensure a range of up to date resources is available to assist staff in their use of MyCampus.

A detailed training plan is currently in development, aligned with the system development plan, to ensure that staff have access to training in new and enhanced functionality as it becomes available.

The next meeting of the SLP Board will take place on Monday 2 April. A report on that will appear in a future issue of Campus E-news

First published: 15 March 2012

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