The university now has a new system for dealing with property found on campus.  Could all staff please advise students who have lost property of the new system or indeed how they could retrieve it.

  • When found property is received by staff then it is imperative that all details of the finder ( name, address and tel no.) along with a description of the property and where and when it was found are recorded on a Found Property Form.
  • Where property is received at premises other than the Gatehouse then the property and the Found Property Form should be delivered to the Gatehouse by Janitorial staff at the conclusion of their shift.
  • Found property will be retained at the gatehouse until the following Monday morning at which time a member of the security staff will convey the property to Cranstonhill Police Office where it will be left with the Police.
  • A receipt will be obtained for each item of property a photocopy of which will be placed within the found property file retained at the gatehouse for future reference. The receipt itself will thereafter be sent to the finder which will as far as the University is concerned be an end to the process.

First published: 1 March 2012

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