The university has appointed Professor Andrew Biankin as Director of the Translational Research Centre and Chair of Surgery in the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences. He will take up the position in early 2013.

Professor Andrew Biankin ‎Professor Biankin comes to Glasgow from Sydney, Australia, where he held the post of Head of the Pancreatic Cancer Research Group at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and was a Conjoint Professor in the School of Medicine at the University of NSW. A Surgeon Scientist specialising in the management of patients with pancreaticobiliary malignancies, Professor Biankin is a graduate of the University of NSW and completed his surgical training in 1998. Following his PhD studies into the molecular pathology of pancreatic cancer, he spent two years as an NHMRC Neil Hamilton Fairly Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, and returned to Australia in 2005 to head pancreatic research at the Garvan.

Professor Biankin’s primary scientific focus is the molecular pathology of pancreatic cancer, the development of early detection and novel therapeutic strategies based on molecular phenotyping and the delineation and implementation of biomarkers that facilitate clinical decision-making.

Fiona Docherty, International Director and Head of Student Recruitment leaves Glasgow on 13th July 2012 to take up a new post as Pro Vice Chancellor (International) of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.

Fiona joined the University of Glasgow in February 2009 and told Campus e-news “It’s been a ‘rollercoaster’ three  years as the University has gone through significant change and as the Recruitment & International Office has grown and developed as a Service. International student numbers have grown by over 40%; student satisfaction is amongst the best in the UK; we are recruiting more highly qualified students across the board, which in turn is helping our rise in both the UK and international league tables. That’s down to a lot of people’s hard work, enthusiasm and determination to improve. I hope in some small way I have played my part.”

Although moving to the other side of the globe, Fiona is keen to keep in touch with her alma mater and hopes to help foster closer working between the two universities. And of course this Glasgow graduate is also keen to keep in touch via the Australian alumni chapter. Fundraising BBQ anyone?

First published: 3 July 2012

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