Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus: Pharsalia.

Venice:  Guerinus, 14 May 1477.
Fol.   π2 a-o8 p6.   [120] leaves (p6 blank).
ISTC il00296000;  GW M18856;  Goff L296;  BMC V 252 (IB. 20623);  Bod-inc L-154;  CIBN L-231;  BSB-Ink L-230.

GIP number: L33
Shelf-mark: Sp Coll Bh3-e.15 (see main library entry for this item)
Provenance: University of Glasgow:  source unknown;  shelfmark “T.1.25” on University of Glasgow Library bookplate on front pastedown matching entry in A. Arthur, Catalogus impressorum librorum in Bibliotheca Universitatis Glasguensis (Glasguae:  1791).
Binding: 18th-century calf, gilt bands on spine, title label lost;  sprinkled red-edged leaves.   Size:  296 x 208 mm.
Leaf size: 288 x 196 mm.
Annotations: A few nota marks in quires a and b.
Decoration: Principal initials supplied in red and blue with reserved white and decorated with pen-work in black or red or in both;  a few other initials supplied in red or blue;  paragraph marks on p4v and p5r supplied in alternate red and blue.
Imperfections: Wanting the blank leaf p6;  leaves a4-b8 heavily stained.


First Page of 'Pharsalia'