Plato: Opera [Latin].
Translated by Marsilius Ficinus.
Florence: Laurentius (Francisci) de Alopa, Venetus, [1484-85].
Fol. [*]8 a10 b-c8 d-f6 g8 h10 i-z8 [et]8 [con]8 [rum]6 2a-c8 2d4 2e-i8 2l-y8 ç10 et8 cō4 rū6 2[et]10 2[con]8 2[rum]6 aa-bb8 cc-hh6 ii4 ll6 mm-rr8 ss10 p[er]8 [†]6. [562] leaves ([*8], a1, [rum]6, and ç10 blank).
In two parts, printed: I) [May 1484]; II) [before Apr. 1485].
Woodcut diagrams.
ISTC ip00771000; Goff P771; BMC VI 666; Bod-inc P-345.
Shelf-mark: | Sp Coll Hunterian Bf.3.6, 7 (see main library entry for this item) |
Note: | Bound in two volumes, divided after first [rum]. |
Variants: | There are variants in the setting and imposition of first [rum]6 - cf. Walsh 2960 & 2961; in this copy the leaves of first [rum] are in the correct setting as described in Walsh 2960; aa1r and aa8v: headlines correctly read “DELEGIBVS” as in BMC copy 1, not “DEREPVBLICA” as in BMC copy 2. |
Provenance: | Florence: Olivetans, S. Miniato al Monte: ownership stamped in blind with metal type on et1r “HIC LIBER EST ABBATIÆ S[AN]C[T]I MINIATIS DE FLORENTIA”. Edward Harley (1689-1741), Lord Harley; from 1724 2nd Earl of Oxford: see Binding. Thomas Osborne (d. 1767), bookseller: purchased all the Harleian printed books; no. 5403 in his 'Catalogus bibliothecae Harleianae', vol. 1 (London: 1743); Osborne’s price in pencil “2V 2: 2: 0” on [*1r]. William Hunter (1718-1783), physician and anatomist: source unknown. University of Glasgow: Hunterian bequest 1807; Hunterian Museum bookplates on front pastedowns, with former shelfmarks “Av.4.1” and “Av.4.2”. |
Binding: | England, 18th-century gold-tooled red sheep, bound for Lord Harley by Thomas Elliott. On the covers of both volumes triple fillets form a frame, within which are three rolls: the first is Nixon, ‘Harleian bindings’, pl. 14, Elliott roll 3, the second is the same roll repeated, and the third is Nixon, ‘Harleian bindings’, pl. 14, Elliott roll 5. Each cover has a lozenge-shaped centre-piece, made up of several individual tools (Nixon ‘Harleian bindings’, pl. 15, Elliott nos 1a & b, 2, 3a & b, 6, 9, 13, 18). The spine compartments of both volumes are decorated with Nixon, ‘Harleian bindings’ Elliott, nos 3a & b, 6, and 9; the turn-ins are decorated with a roll closely similar to Nixon ‘Harleian bindings’, pl. 14, Elliott roll 2; marbled endpapers; flyleaves have a watermark of scales within a circle surmounted by a six-pointed star and a watermark of a hunting horn suspended from two cords. Size: 298 x 219 mm. |
Leaf size: | 284 x 209 mm. |
Annotations: | Volume I: frequent marginal annotations in sepia ink in a humanist hand (mainly extracting keywords), together with underlining and “nota” marks; running headings in sepia ink in a humanist hand identifying the separate texts e.g. “Ciuilis De Regno”, “Charmides De temperantia”; number “46” in black ink in an 18th-century hand on [*1r]. Volume II: marginal annotations, underlining and “nota” marks in dull red ink in a humanist hand (mainly in Timaeus, Critias, and Epistolae); running headings “Li. Primus”-“Li. Duodecimus” in dull red ink in a humanist hand in De legibus. The first volume foliated “1”-“211” in a 16th-century hand in sepia ink from [*1] to [rum]5 (with gaps for the missing leaves [*8] (leaf [8]) and y3 (leaf [177]); the second volume foliated “1”-“176” from et1 to [†6]. |
Decoration: | None. |
Imperfections: | Wanting leaf y3, gatherings 2a-y, gathering ç, and the blank leaves [*8] and [rum]6; lower margin of [*1] excised (presumably to remove the same Olivetan ownership evidence preserved in vol. II). |