Talent Lab for Research Leaders Programme

Our Research Leaders (Talent Lab) programme is an investment not just in our ambition to develop research leaders who demonstrate ambition and excellence in their own spheres, but in the belief that our curiosity about what we can achieve as a team will help us make world-changing advances.  The programme is run jointly with our partners at the University of Edinburgh to broaden perspectives and nurture collaboration opportunities.

The programme aims to build the confidence, resilience and resourcefulness of research leaders to support them in leading and managing teams both in their area and when collaborating across disciplines, institutions and geographies through:

  • developing leading researchers, already proficient in their own field of study, to be increasingly ambitious, collaborative, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral and international
  • developing individual leadership skills and capability through increased self-awareness and reflective learning
  • accelerating ability to develop more ambitious and creative research concepts, and readiness to pursue large-scale strategic funding
  • effectively leading and managing large-scale, collaborative programmes and initiatives
  • leading collaboratively, building teams and empowering others to act

Colleagues who are interested in participating in this Programme should have an initial discussion with their line manager and indicate their interest in coordination with their local Dean of Research and People & OD (Human Resources) teams.