Christmas Eve FAQs

What is a fixed "other day"?

Fixed "other days" are the four annual leave days that are fixed by the University in our calendar.  They typically fall on Christmas Eve and the three days following the Boxing Day public holiday.  

I have already booked Christmas Eve off as annual leave, what should I do?

Colleagues who have booked Christmas Eve as annual leave should cancel this day in the HR System. 

I am part time and my day off falls on Christmas Eve. Will I get another day off?

Colleagues who are part time and their non working day falls on Christmas Eve 2021 should arrange with their line manager for an alternative day off, typically the preceding working day. 

I work full time in a compressed working pattern and my day off falls on Christmas Eve. Will I get another day off?

Colleagues who are full time working a compressed working pattern are permitted to take an alternative day off in agreement with their line manager, typically the preceding working day. 

I am scheduled to work on Christmas Eve as part of a rota system, do I take the day off?

Colleagues who are scheduled to work as part of a rota system should continue to work unless otherwise advised by their line manager.  Colleagues required to work on Christmas Eve will be permitted an alternative day off in agreement with their line manager. 

Christmas Eve 2022 falls on a weekend, what will happen?

An alternative day will be designated for Christmas Eve, typically the preceeding working day.  Further communication on the specific day assigned will be shared in early 2022.