Register of Interest Policy
Declaration of Interests By Court & committee members and senior management
The University Court requires that the Convener and other Court/Court Committee members and members of the University Management with significant budgetary responsibility should declare any personal or business interests which may conflict with their responsibilities to the University.
Declaration of Interests
Any Court/Committee member or member of the senior management of the University who has a material interest, either directly or through a business partner, spouse, partner or close relative, in matters likely to be considered by the University should declare that interest. Such declarations should describe the interest clearly and state whether it carries either direct or indirect financial interests.
Relevant interests in this context are as follows:
- Directorships, including non-executive directorships of, or employment by, public or private companies likely or possible seeking to do business with the University.
- Significant shareholdings in public or private companies or ownership or part-ownership of or employment by businesses or consultancies likely or possibly seeking to do business with the University.
- Remunerated or honorary positions and other connections with HE institutions which may give rise to a conflict of interest
- Ownership or part ownership or other interest in property in the vicinity to the University.
- Representational or other non-financial interests in areas covering the University (e.g. election as a Councillor or MP for a ward including all or part of the University).
Conduct of Meetings
Any Committee member who has a clear and substantial interest in a matter under consideration by the Committee should declare that interest at any meeting where the matters is to be discussed, whether or not that interest is already recorded in the Register. The member concerned should withdraw from the meeting during the relevant discussion or decision.
Register of Interests
The University Court has established a formal register of interests. The register is made available to the public: for Court members’ details, the register is on the University website; other registers are available on request in writing to the Secretary of Court. The existence and availability of the Register is noted in the Annual Report.
The Register includes details of all directorships and other relevant interest which have been declared by both Court members and members of senior management (as defined above).
The Register is kept up to date by means of an annual survey of interests carried out by the Court Office.