Funding boost for particle physics research

CERN the European Organization for Nuclear Research

Particle physicists from the University will receive £3.2 million to help support their research at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva and the T2K and Hyper-K detectors in Japan.

The funding, from the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC), will support research led by Professor of Physics Tony Doyle: “We’re delighted to be receiving this new funding from STFC, which will help us take forward our research in some fascinating and fundamental areas of physics with our partners around the world. 

“Researchers from UofG have played key roles in the development of detectors like ATLAS for decades. We continue to invest in and promote a world-class detector development activity to enable longer-term initiatives, and our computing grid strength is aimed at maximising our impact in LHC physics as well as promoting new areas.
“To enhance the programme, we have invested in generic detector developments leading to significant impact in sensors technologies. We have developed new capabilities in flip-chip bonding and chip design, complementing our well-established core technical and engineering expertise.”

Particle physics studies the world at the smallest-possible distance scales and the highest-achievable energies, seeking answers to fundamental questions about the structure of matter and the composition of the universe.

This article was first published March 2022.

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