Your views on climate change

Graphic of speech bubbles for the Alumni Survey

Climate change is a big topic for 2021, so in August we undertook a social media campaign to ask our UofG alumni community’s opinions on climate change and sustainability.

Results reveal that our alumni respondents strongly believe that climate change and sustainability are a priority and are taking steps to be more environmentally friendly.

Respondents told us they would be prepared to pay more for environmentally friendly products and services (89%), but most also believe that governments should give financial incentives to businesses to encourage more sustainable practices.

It’s clear that environmental issues are a concern – deforestation and plastic pollution were the ones that polled highest. Respondents also told us they were worried about water scarcity, food waste and CO2 emissions.

And when it comes to making decisions about sustainable choices then three-quarters of respondents said they listened to scientists and experts, with around one-quarter listing NGOs, charities and activists.

We asked our alumni "what changes are you making, or have you made, to live more sustainably?"