MBChB 3rd Year MED3004

  • Academic Session: 2024-25
  • School: School of Medicine Dentistry and Nursing
  • Credits: 120
  • Level: Level 3 (SCQF level 9)
  • Typically Offered: Runs Throughout Semesters 1 and 2
  • Available to Visiting Students: No
  • Collaborative Online International Learning: No

Short Description

Third year consists of a programme of tutorials and lectures covering clinical and pathological topics in a systematic manner in combination with clinical teaching in hospitals and general practice(s).


Various times throughout year

Regular weekly lectures during first 15 weeks but less frequent thereafter.

2 X 4 hour Case-based learning tutorials over 15 weeks.

The rest of the term times in semester 1&2 are spent in bedside teaching during clinical attachments.

Requirements of Entry

Successful completion of Year 2 MBChB

Excluded Courses





MED 3003 Year 3 Coursework (Longitudinal Portfolio) 

MED 3008 MBChB 3 Written Examination

MED 3005 Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

MED 3006 Year 3 Student Selected Component (form of assessment varies according to the component selected).


Note that students must obtain grade D3 or D for Schedule B examinations (OSCEs) or better in each component of the assessment (i.e. in each of MED 3003, MED 3005, MED 3006 and MED 3008); no compensation is permitted between components.

Main Assessment In: April/May

Course Aims

The third year of the programme aims:

■ To provide learning in the pathology of the major physiological systems involved in disease, to ensure that students have the necessary basic knowledge to make informed diagnostic decisions in their further clinical learning and to understand the principles of therapeutic management of disease.

■ To provide opportunities to help students develop the communication and clinical skills, and vocational and professional competencies essential for future training.

■ To provide the opportunity for students to spend five weeks studying a topic of their choice to greater depth, thereby developing skills in data analysis, report writing and oral presentation as well as enhancing biomedical and clinical knowledge.

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course

By the end of this course students will be able to:

■ Apply their knowledge of the basis for common general pathological processes and the specific consequences of these processes in different body systems (assessed via MED 3008, see Section 29)

■ Integrate their knowledge of pathology and microbiology with core clinical knowledge to devise simple management strategies (assessed via MED 3008, see Section 29)

■ Obtain and record a clinical history from, and perform and record a comprehensive clinical examination in, medical and surgical patients (assessed in placement and in OSCE MED 3005, see Section 29)

■ Demonstrate a defined range of communication and practical clinical skills safely (assessed in OSCE MED 3005, see Section 29)

■ Recognise the professional values, attitudes and behaviours they will be required to demonstrate as practitioners (assessed in placement and in OSCE MED 3005, see Section 29)

Minimum Requirement for Award of Credits

Students must complete all components of the course and attendance is compulsory in accordance with the MBChB Attendance Procedures.