Welcome to the Course Catalogue 2020-2021

The Course Catalogue allows you to find the individual courses which make up our degree programmes. All our Undergraduate and Postgraduate taught courses are included.

You can Browse by Subject Area, Browse by School or Search by specific criteria.

Please note that not all courses are available to all students. If you are unsure whether or not you can register for a particular course, you should contact the school responsible for teaching the course.

Courses may be restricted to students on particular degree programmes. Browse the undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes to which the courses contribute.

Some courses may not be taught in every session. Check with the school or check the MyCampus scheduled classes to confirm whether a particular course is taught in academic session 2020-2021.

While care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this Catalogue, courses may be changed subsequently. Up-to-date information may be obtained on enquiry to the School responsible for teaching the course.

The University reserves the right to limit numbers on individual courses having regard to the availability of accommodation and other resources.

Browse course catalogues from past academic sessions.