Message from Professor Calder - TNE Director Appointments

Published: 20 November 2015

Message from Professor Calder - TNE Director Appointments

The University has recently created three new roles, each with responsibility to oversee the co-ordinated management of the operational and academic aspects of the University's TNE (transnational education) operations in University Glasgow Singapore, UESTC, and Nankai.  I am delighted to say that Professor Trevor Hoey has been appointed the University of Glasgow Singapore TNE Director and Professor John Marsh has been appointed the UESTC TNE Director, both with immediate effect. 


Their remit will include all the programmes associated with each TNE operation. They will work closely with all our UG/UGS/UESTC staff and partners, the directors of all the programmes, the Heads of all Schools involved, myself, appropriate Heads of Services, and the VP Internationalisation, to ensure that all aspects of operations are co-ordinated, efficient and properly resourced, from HR arrangements for staff, to quality assurance of programmes and future strategic developments for TNE.  I hope these new roles will allow us to simplify greatly some of our processes and lines of communication.  These are new roles and so we will all have to see how the details develop in practice, but I am very grateful to Trevor and John for taking them on and wish them every success.   

First published: 20 November 2015

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