Tissue sources and approvals required

There are a number of sources for human tissue. These are summarised briefly below along with the approvals you must have in place in order to use the tissue.

It is important that you understand what type of research you are permitted to conduct with the samples that you have.

Irrespective of where tissue has come from you should always ensure an appropriate material transfer agreement is in place. Similarly, if you are sending human material from the University a transfer agreement must be in place. The University has standard agreements which can be amended on a project basis. For further details on these agreements please contact Mr Paul Ellis, Senior Contracts Manager, Research Support Office (RSO). It is important that these agreements are in place before material is transferred from one location to another.

Tissue sources


Tissue may originate from an NHS source; if you are using material of this nature which you received after Sept 1st 2006 you must make sure that all necessary approvals are in place including:

  • NHS management approval
  • NHS ethical approval

Increasingly, consent for tissue usage is “broad and enduring”. This means that the tissue being taken can be used for a range of research purposes. The advantage of gaining this type of consent is that researchers do not have to make repeated applications to the ethics committee for every new research project they wish to conduct. 

 **Depending on the nature of the research it may be necessary to inform the University insurers about the study - for further guidance please see the Insurance and Indemnity section**

Healthy volunteers

Investigators may source tissue from healthy volunteers. Projects involving tissue of this type must pass through the University Ethics Committee. The University Ethics Committee will ensure that all patient information and consent forms are fit for purpose and will ensure the research team is appropriate i.e. a suitably qualified medic is involved when necessary.

**Depending on the nature of the research it may be necessary to inform the University Insurers about the study - for further guidance please see the Insurance and Indemnity section**


Researchers may source tissue from an established biobank. If you obtain tissue from a bio bank it is likely that you will need to obtain ethical approval for the research you wish to conduct, unless the consent associated with the tissue is “broad and enduring”. Some bio banks have their own in house ethics committees. In these circumstances by agreeing to provide the tissue the biobank automatically issues ethical approval.

Outwith the UK

Tissue may also be sourced from outwith the UK or even outwith the EU.  It is considered good practice to make every effort to obtain a copy of the ethical approval and details of consent from the country of origin of the samples. 

**Please note if you or a member of your research team is directly involved in procuring tissue from humans abroad you must contact the Research Regulation and Compliance Office for advice as this type of activitiy is not covered by the current University insurance policy**