College Graduate School Board

The Graduate School Board is accountable to the College Management Group for policy, procedures and practice in relation to the Graduate School. 

The Board provides oversight on behalf of the College to ensure PGR and PGT programmes are in-line with the College strategic objectives relating to PG Education.

The Board provides reports to, and receives reports from, the College Research & Knowledge Transfer Strategy Committee and College Learning & Teaching Committee. 

The Board is responsible for ensuring that policy and procedures are followed in relation to higher degrees including progress and selection of examiners. 

In some Colleges these tasks may be delegated to a Higher Degrees Committee.


  • To provide coordination and oversight of all Graduate School matters
  • To promote, implement and monitor compliance with relevant University and College strategies and policy relating to PG students.
  • To identify opportunities to enhance the College PGT portfolio and to advise and work with the Schools, Research Institutes and the College Learning and Teaching Committee in taking these forward.
  • To oversee the provision of generic and research skills training for PGR students.
  • To ensure appropriate training is provided for PG supervisors and programme coordinators.
  • To contribute to the definition of University and College strategies and policies in relation to PG students.
  • To determine the strategic allocation of PGR scholarship funds for cross-college schemes.
  • To maintain a high-quality, distinctive, Graduate School environment by overseeing all aspects of the postgraduate experience within the College from induction to graduation.
  • To work with Schools, Research Institutes and other College Graduate Schools to enhance practice in all areas of postgraduate delivery.
  • To coordinate/advise on PG recruitment and publicity activities (with External Relations), including maintaining Graduate School web-pages.
  • Where appropriate, to coordinate reporting on PGR and PGT matters, with committees and university services.
  • To periodically review and update College Codes of Practice for Postgraduate Research Degrees.
  • To establish working groups as may be necessary to fulfill the Board's remit and to receive reports from them.
  • Establish systems and monitor performance relating to PGT student experience, including examiners and advisers; progress and assessment; and student induction.
  • Establish systems and monitor performance relating to PGR student experience, including admissions; the appointment of supervisors, examiners and advisers; supervisor training; examinations, progress and assessment; and student induction.
  • To consider proposals for amendments to regulations.
  • To approve the prima facie case for candidature for higher degrees (including by published work)
  • To approve the appointment of the examiners for all postgraduate research degrees
  • To review the reports and recommendations of examiners, approve awards, and appoint third readers of theses as appropriate.
  • To consider applications for research furth of Glasgow and requests for early or late submission of theses for examination.
  • To monitor the progress of all supervised research students by means of an annual reporting mechanism.