MVLS Innovation Engagement & Enterprise
MVLS Innovation Engagement & Enterprise
Research & Teaching
- Baskaran, Dr Divya (Research Associate)
- Battu, Dr Hartesh (Clinical Innovation Fellow)
- Boodhoo, Dr Vijna (Clinical Innovation Fellow)
- Carroll, Dr Dervla (Clinical Innovation Fellow)
- Duncan, Dr Sean (Clinical Innovation Fellow)
- Rostron, Dr Maggie (Clinical Research Fellow)
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Abonambugre, Dr Teresa (Glasgow Science Festival Coordinator)
- Adesida, Miss Siobhan (MVLS Innovation, Engagement and Enterprise Intern)
- Aitchison, Ms Georgina (Community Engagement Officer)
- Banks, Ms Angela (Industry Engagement Manager)
- Barclay, Mrs Fiona (Centres Operations Officer (QEUH))
- Beattie, Dr Laura (Industry Engagement Manager)
- Bennett, Dr Louise (Living Laboratory Partnership Manager)
- Caryl, Dr Jim (College REF Impact Officer)
- Cooke, Mr Sean (MVLS Innovation, Engagement and Enterprise Intern)
- Desai, Miss Hemshree (Project Management Officer)
- Dixon, Mr Darren (Programme Officer)
- Doig, Dr Kerstin (Living Laboratory Engagement & STEM Officer)
- Du Toit, Ms Clea (DHVL Clinical Study and Data Coordinator)
- Duncan, Miss Elaine (MVLS IEE Intern)
- Fagan, Mrs Amy (Living Laboratory Events Coordinator)
- Faidutti, Dr Camilla (Research Impact Officer)
- Faulds, Mr David (Employer Engagement Manager)
- Fearnside, Ms Joanna (Business Development Manager - Digital Health Validation Laboratory)
- Gilchrist, Dr Ella (Glasgow Science Festival Communications & Engagement Coordinator)
- Gordon, Dr John (Commercialisation & Economic Development Manager)
- Higgs-McCallum, Miss Claire (Portfolio Manager Digital Health Validation Lab (DHVL))
- Hoyle, Dr Robert (IEE Project Manager)
- Hutchinson, Dr Ed (Head of Project Delivery, SiPF Living Laboratory)
- Jack, Mr Ross (Receptionist)
- Johnston, Miss Emma (Project Management Officer)
- Lau, Mrs Holly (Clinical Innovation Zone Alliance Manager)
- Lowe, Dr David (Director of Clinical Innovation)
- Lowe, Miss Hayley (Glasgow Science Festival Coordinator)
- Mason, Dr Louise (College Head of Innovation and Enterprise Services)
- McKinven, Ms Danielle (MVLS Innovation, Engagement and Enterprise Intern)
- McLaughlin, Dr Ruth (Programme Director for Living Lab)
- McMahon, Mrs Lynn (Project Manager)
- McNeill, Dr Deborah (College Engagement Manager)
- McParland, Dr Chris (Living Lab Patient and Public Involvement & Clinical Engagement Coordinator)
- Moghadas, Ms Shayesteh (Engagement Project Manager)
- O'Neil, Miss Kerry (Engagement Officer)
- Petaroudi, Dr Michaela (Translational Research Officer)
- Robertson, Dr Stacy (Translational Research Officer)
- Smith, Mr Callum (Senior Project Manager)
- Syme, Dr Christopher (Translational Research Officer)
- Tian, Dr Natasha (Senior Partnerships Manager)
- Trinder, Dr Jon (ICE Data Systems Manager)
- Vincent, Dr Isabel (Translational Research Development Manager (Project Manager))
- Wilkie, Mx Sean (Programme Administrator)
- Wilson, Dr Alastair (Living Laboratory Research Regulation and Compliance Officer)
- Zurowski, Mr John (Senior Project Manager)