SCMH is a proud partner in the new University of Glasgow and University of Sydney Cardiovascular Partnership Seminar Series.

Published: 17 August 2021

The symposia are designed to foster the generation of new multidisciplinary research collaborations with the University of Sydney - a priority partner of the University of Glasgow.

Proffesors Christian Delles, Christopher Loughrey and Matthew Walters have organised a symposium series in partnership with The Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney

The symposia are designed to foster the generation of new multidisciplinary research collaborations with the University of Sydney - a priority partner of the University of Glasgow. 

This series will be beneficial to academics and industry partners, we welcome the participation of all students and staff alike.

The first in the series was held on Wednesday 11th August and focussed on "Sex Differences and Pregnancy in Cardiovascular Disease" . The seminar was co-chaired by Dr Pardeep Jhund and speakers from SCMH were Dr Dilys Freeman, Dr Alice Jackson, Professor Colin Berry and Kayley Scott. 

The second in the series was held on Tuesday 24th August and focused on "Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in CVD" . SCMH speakers include Professor Tom Guzik, Professor James Leiper and Dr Paul Welsh. 

The Third in the series will be held on Tuesday 14th September and will focus on 'Beyond Traditional Factors in CVD'. SCMH speakers include  Dr Paul Welsh and Dr Carlos Celis.

Staff and postgraduate students from all Colleges are welcome to attend the symposia and will be sent a registration email directly to their university email address. 

For further information with regard to program and speaker biographies: University of Glasgow - University of Sydney Cardiovascular Partnership Seminar Series (PDF)

The Charles Perkins Centre is a multidisciplinary internationally renowned research and education hub that uses a complex-systems approach to chronic lifestyle diseases (in particular diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease). The key aspect of the Centre is the way they utilise a non-traditional interconnected approach to tackle disease. These interconnections bring in a multitude of contexts including societal, environmental, psychological, ageing, basic science, policy, politics, agriculture, economics, nutrition, ethics and many more. A strategic partnership between the Universities of Glasgow and Sydney is already in place and the new seminar series will strengthen this partnership specifically in the area of cardiovascular health.

Find out more: The Charles Perkins Centre

If you have any queries please e-mail: or

First published: 17 August 2021