Open Access Discussion

Published: 17 February 2023

At February's Open Forum Open Access was discussed.

Image of the University Library

At february's Open Forum Valerie McCutcheon from the university Library joined us to give a talk on the Open Access. Valerie discussed open access as well as taking questions from attendees. 

Research Outputs should be open access where possible. Open access is the principle that a research output is freely available to all. The most used license is a CC-BY license. Users can copy, transform, redistribute the work as long as the original creator are acknowledged. Researchers should check the open access requirements prior to submission - outputs should acknowledge the funding that supported the research being published, including the grant reference number. Staff are encouraged to read the University's policy regarding good practice in Research. 

Valerie advised that the previous REF requirements for open access currently still apply - accepted manuscripts should be deposited within 3 months. There can be differences with funder's open access requirements. Most require open access at the time of publication, either with published version being made available on a repository. There are journal checker tools available which can be useful, but the library team is very happy to help with checking. UKRI have a new policy (April 2022) where anything that is submitted that is an article or conference proceeding has to be open access at the point of publication and has to have a CC-BY license. 

Valerie encouraged staff to contact the open access team with any queries, and emphasized that as soon as publication is accepted to email - They will check the publisher requirements, arrange payment, deposit the paper in Enlighten and release after relevant embargo period. Advice on data management plans, costings and data storage is available. 

She also advised that there is an open access books toolkit and also Scottish Universities Press publishes books at a reasonable cost. 

The recorded session can be found here!

It will be updated again in a few months depending on the new policy on copyright policy.

First published: 17 February 2023