#Unexpected - the outtakes!

Published: 11 April 2017

It is a serious message...but we sure had a laugh making the videos. Are you expecting the #Unexpected? Colin wasn't. VIDEO

For the last month we have been pushing the serious message on behalf of Health, Safety and Wellbeing - and the UofG - that every School, Research Institute and University Service needs to think about a business continuity plan. How can we keep the world-class learning and teaching going when disasters big or small hit?

The UofG's long-suffering Business Continuity Officer, Colin Montgomery, has endured ordeals by fire, water and falling ceilings, and the sinister Man in Black. Our thanks to - and admiration for - our superb colleague Colin.

Enjoy with us these #Unexpected outtakes:

Let the fun begin...


First published: 11 April 2017