#Unexpected water, water everywhere

Published: 4 April 2017

It was inevitable that Business Continuity Officer Colin Montgomery was going to get wet...VIDEO

Many academic and professional service teams have already responded to the current drive to help ALL the University’s Schools, Research Institutes, business units and professional services prepare for the #Unexpected.

They may have been inspired by Business Continuity Officer Colin Montgomery's selfless Campus e-News video demonstrations of why having a business contingency plan is worth considering.

Watch Colin's ordeal by water 

A business continuity plan is a carefully thought-through process for coping with minor or major calamities, those #Unexpected events. The #Unexpected could stop a School from teaching students or prevent a University service from supporting students and the academic community. An unforeseen set of events has also been known to wreck a research project resulting in major financial loss.

How long would it take you and your team to get your day-to-day teaching and services back in action?

In other words, are you expecting the #Unexpected?

In next week's Campus e-News... #Unexpected: The Out-takes

Want to know more and get advice?


First published: 4 April 2017