Gearing up for winter

Published: 5 November 2013

As winter starts to take grip and temperatures are starting to drop, Estates and Buildings have begun to implement the winter maintenance plan.

As winter starts to take grip and temperatures are starting to drop, Estates and Buildings have begun to implement the winter maintenance plan.

Routine snow clearance/gritting procedures operate between the months of November to April inclusive. Grounds & Gardens staff have responsibility for carrying out the planned preventative and reactive measures necessary to ensure that priority hard surface areas within the University Campuses are maintained and clear of slip hazards including snow and ice and hard frost. This is always carried out as far as is reasonably practicable, depending on the severity of the conditions.Snow shot from 2010

Jim McIntyre, Grounds and Facilities Manager said: ‘The operations team delivering this plan includes 12 members of staff. They are able to call upon two tractors with snow ploughs, one Landover, one all purpose vehicle, three pick-up trucks and three vehicle towed salt spreaders. There are 117 Salt bins located across Gimorehill and Garscube campuses with 100 ton of salt stockpiled over four locations.

‘Estates and Buildings management and supervisory staff monitor weather patterns daily and review forecasts on a week-to-week basis throughout the period using the five and seven day weather forecasts available on the BBC weather/Met office websites. An out of hours call out service is provided by staff from Estates and Buildings and is initiated by Security staff from Central services who monitor local conditions on each site.'

During normal opening hours staff should report any hazard areas to the Estates and Buildings help desk on 0141 330 4457 and outwith normal hours to security control on Tel: 0141 330 4282 (Gilmorehill campus) or Tel: 0141 330 5799 (Garscube Campus).

Whilst this plan is operated centrally, staff are requested to consider their own as well as their colleague’s health, safety and wellbeing at all times. Salt bins are located throughout the campus to assist staff who may wish to take ‘first response’ action to any hazard areas. Additionally staff should be mindful that during extreme weather it may be necessary to close certain footpaths or ancillary areas. Snow and ice clearance is undertaken on a priority basis and further details including campus maps showing priority areas and locations of salt bins are located here:

First published: 5 November 2013