A seminar and exhibition, exploring the role of the visual arts in social sustainability is being held by Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet) on 24 May in the St Andrews Building.

The event, called ‘Drawing Communities Together: Art for Sustainable Communities’ is being given by Australian artist, Daniel Connell whose work explores the role of the visual arts in enhancing a sense of belonging through large scale, hand drawn portraits of recent migrants placed in public places in cities such as Adelaide, Chandigarh and most recently Vancouver.  

The works are attempting to push the visual arts into an arena which can influence public policy and opinion.  Connell’s work has been developed thanks to the support of the University of South Australia Human Rights and Security Research and Innovation Cluster.

Social sustainability annunciates the long term benefits of harmonious, resilient and happy communities.  Art plays a role in allowing moments of reflection on the intrinsic value of a human life.  Connell's work is underpinned by an idea that his large yet tenderly and carefully constructed portraits can  provoke brief but intimate introductions across cultural or class barriers. 

For full information, please see the attached flyer.  Please register for the event at: http://gramnet-connell.eventbrite.com/


First published: 11 May 2012

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