A third of staff took part in the 2012 Staff Survey, which is exactly the same as in 2009 when we last asked for your views on involvement, commitment and wellbeing. Thanks are due to those who took time to complete the questionnaire - the information will enable the university to develop and adapt our work practices in line with the needs of colleagues and the goals outlined in Glasgow 20/20.

More information will be given as the results are considered and action points put into place, but some of the main findings that have emerged thus far include:

·      A substantial increase in satisfaction with internal communications at a team level. This is up from 78% to a record high of 90%

·      Understanding of team aims has also gone up from 92% to 95%

·      Communications within work teams went up from 78% to 90% and with other teams in Schools/Research Institutes and Services it also rose from 67% to 71%

·      Frequency of performance feedback increased from 83% to 85%

However there was also a drop noted in some of the categories:

·      Overall staff satisfaction dipped slightly from 81% to 79%

·      The satisfaction with the communication of university wide messages fell from 79% to 68%

·      The percentage who enjoyed working at the university went down from 89% to 78%, and those feeling loyalty to the university also fell from 82% to 72%

The Principal and Vice Chancellor of the University of Glasgow, Professor Anton Muscatelli said the results of the staff survey would now be carefully analysed:

“The staff survey findings are crucially important to the university. We have come through a challenging two years, and that is reflected in some of the results that the survey has uncovered. We know that we need to communicate better and we are working to improve upon that. We will also look hard at the drop in feelings of enjoyment and loyalty, which again may be directly related to uncertainty during restructuring.

It is heartening to see progress in understanding of aims and roles and of internal communications at school, research institute and services level. Good, too, to see a rise in the frequency of performance feedback. The full results of the survey will now be considered both at college and school level and by senior management. We will take on board what has been said and consult with you on how we intend to move forward. The University of Glasgow is now in a strong position. Financially we are secure and plans are taking shape for major investment including the development of the Western Infirmary site. Key to the future – as ever – will be the hard work and professionalism that colleagues continue to show. It is always appreciated and never taken for granted.” 




First published: 11 June 2012

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