Statistics gathered by NUS Scotland on widening access to University showed that whilst more still needs to be done, the University of Glasgow performs relatively well in admitting students from poorer backgrounds, with more than 10% of entrants admitted from this category. Both the Herald and BBC Scotland featured the positive work being done at Glasgow, with first year medic Elizabeth McLennan from Easterhouse reported as saying, “The pre-entry programmes offered by Glasgow University were definite assets when it came to applying to universities and I had the good fortune of taking part in a few of these through my time at school.”

Professor Frank Coton, Vice-Principal Learning and Teaching told Campus E-News, “This is very welcome and positive publicity for the tremendous work that goes on behind the scenes to attract the brightest talents to campus, regardless of background or income. The University of Glasgow strives to be a world leading, research intensive international university. But we are also a University that offers opportunity and access for all here in Scotland.”

First published: 7 June 2012

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