Aliens could be made from iron

Published: 31 August 2011

Professor Lee Cronin explains the potential benefits of evolving inorganic materials to the Observer

Having delivered the prestigious TED lecture at the TED Global Conference in Edinburgh recently, Professor Lee Cronin was then the subject of a fascinating interview in the Observer.

Prof Cronin said: “Basically one of my longstanding research goals is to understand how life emerged on planet Earth and recreate the process. We are trying to see if inorganic matter can evolve and whether we can make new inorganic chemical systems that evolve. We have an active research programme and we hope to achieve several milestones in our work in the next two to five years.”

You can read the full article at:

And you can view the TED lecture, entitled 'Making matter come alive' here:

First published: 31 August 2011

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