Campus in focus has completely lost focus...

Published: 16 September 2011

Where are these odd, but beautiful corners of our campus? Thanks to everyone who tried to guess...all five of you!

This entertaining item was obviously not terribly gripping, as only five people (with a sense of humour) have ever bothered to engage with us. So, in sadness - and gratitude - we draw a curtain over this small failure to engage with staff.  Anyone who has any better ideas, please send them to and we will have a go. We are irrepressible.

Here are the answers from last time:

 Picture 1

Wk 5 a Qu  

Picture 2

Wk 5 Qu b 

Picture 3

Wk 5 Qu c 

Grateful thanks to Indy Singh Gabrie from IT Services for sending us his photos.

And, its good night from me, and its goodnight from him!

First published: 16 September 2011

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