1-day IEEE AP-S/MTT-S/EMC-S/GRS-S/AES-S Joint Distinguished Lecturer Workshop
1-day IEEE AP-S/MTT-S/EMC-S/GRS-S/AES-S Joint Distinguished Lecturer Workshop
Date: Thursday 15 August 2024
Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Venue: Debates Chamber, Glagsow University Union
Category: Conferences, Academic events, Staff workshops and seminars
Speaker: Dr Masood ur Rehman, VC IEEE AP-S/MTT-S Joint Chapter; Professor Levent Savgi, IEEE AP-S DLC Chair; Professor Qammer Abbasi, IEEE AP-S DL; Professor C
Website: events.vtools.ieee.org/event/register/426429
The IEEE AP-S/MTT-S/EMC-S/GRS-S/AES-S Joint Distinguished Lecturer Workshop brings together experts from various IEEE societies to discuss advancements in antenna propagation, microwave theory, electromagnetic compatibility, geoscience, remote sensing, and aerospace systems.
Attendees from academia and industry will gain exposure to diverse topics through distinguished lectures, promoting innovation and cross-disciplinary ideas. In addition, a lab tour will be provided to showcase the cutting edge facilities and technologies in the University of Glasgow.