What is Scotland? Reinventions and Connections
A 2-day postgraduate symposium run by students, for students! Co-labhairt iar-cheumnach 2-latha air a ruith le oileanaich, airson oileanaich!
The Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies Postgraduate Symposium
Date: Thursday 23 May 2024 - Friday 24 May 2024
Time: 13:00 - 22:00
Venue: 1A The Square
Category: Conferences, Public lectures, Social events, Student events
Speaker: Various
Join us for two days of presentations by Glasgow-based postgraduate scholars exploring issues at the forefront of Scottish studies. Join us to connect with other researchers, and consider multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches in Scottish and Celtic Studies. This will be a unique opportunity for feedback from peers at your current level and above, including PGTs, PGRs, post-Docs and ECRs. Make sure to book your place.
Thig còmhla rinn airson dà latha de thaisbeanaidhean le iar-cheumnaich a tha stèidhte an Glaschu agus a tha a’ rùrachadh chuspairean aig tùs Eòlas na h-Alba. Thig còmhla rinn gus ceangal a dhèanadh ri luchd-rannsachaidh eile agus gus cnuasachadh air modhan-obrach eadar-chuspaireil agus ioma-chuspaireil ann an Eòlas na h-Alba is na Ceiltis. ’S e cothrom air leth a bhios ann an seo beachdan fhaotainn air do chuid rannsachaidh o luchd-rannsachaidh a tha aig an dearbh ìre aig a bheil thu fhèin agus nas àirde, iar-cheumnaich air cùrsaichean rannsachaidh agus teagaisg, luchd-rannsachaidh iar-dhotaireil agus luchd-rannsachaidh tràth-ìreach nam measg. Glèidh d’ àite.