Working together for children with disabilities and their families: collaborating across disciplines in Malawi

Working together for children with disabilities and their families: collaborating across disciplines in Malawi

Social Sciences Hub
Date: Friday 11 November 2022
Time: 17:00 - 20:00
Venue: Details coming soon
Category: Public lectures

What’s on offer?

A short film highlighting the positive effects that inclusion and participation at school has on the learning and the emotional psycho-social wellbeing of children with disabilities will be screened followed by a panel discussion. 

A panel discussion and Q&A with researchers and practitioners working together in early years' settings in Malawi.  

What’s it about?

This event will highlight the need for cross-sectoral approaches in supporting the educational inclusion of children with disabilities in Malawi.  

The event will focus on the outcomes of participation and inclusion for this vulnerable group of children through reference to one district and examine how good practice can be scaled up in other districts in Malawi. It will draw on the collaboration of academics in education, health, psychology, human ecology, child health and social welfare as well as policymakers and NGOs (including disabled persons’ organisations) to gain a better understanding of the dynamic complexities that affect the inclusion and participation of children with disabilities in early childcare education. 

Who’s leading the event?

  • Dr Paul Lynch, School of Education, University of Malawi
  • Dr Emmie Mbale, Pediatrician, University of Malawi
  • Minister of Special Needs - Malawi Government
  • Dr Kholowa - ECD UNICEF

Open to

12 years and above

Of particular interest to

School children, interested parties working in inclusive education and health.

Booking details

Online booking will be available soon

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