Estonia Now: From 1918 to 2018 and Beyond

Estonia Now: From 1918 to 2018 and Beyond

Date: Thursday 15 November 2018
Time: 15:00 - 16:30
Venue: Kelvin Hall Lecture Theatre
Category: Public lectures
Speaker: Ambassador Tiina Intelmann

This public lecture by the Estonian Ambassador looks into the tumultuous past of her country and offers a glimpse of the future. Which lessons have helped Estonia to regain its place in the family of European countries? What are Estonia’s biggest strengths and geopolitical challenges today? How can a country of only 1.3 million best contribute to the world?  What does it take to be called one of the most innovative countries in the world and why is Estonia often named as the world's first digital nation? In an open and straightforward summary, Ambassador Tiina Intelmann will deliver insights into the Estonian way of life, people and politics. 

Event details:

Date: Thursday 15 November 2018
Venue: Kelvin Hall lecture theatre
Lecture Starts: 3.00pm, includes a Q&A session at the end
Lecture Ends: 4.00pm
Refreshments: 4.00pm - 4.30pm

This event is free to attend, however you must register before attending. You can book your place here

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