Strategies for Viable and Vital Neighbourhoods

Strategies for Viable and Vital Neighbourhoods

Abstracts - Workshop 7

The aim of this session is to help advance understanding of how policy and practice interventions can help to deliver vibrant urban neighbourhoods. Clearly, it is immensely challenging to deliver viable neighbourhoods for all sectors of society, when neighbourhood and wider processes seem to be entrenching, rather than mitigating, socio-spatial polarisation. So what is the current ‘state of the art’, both in strategic thinking and in practice on the ground, with regard to urban neighbourhoods?   For this conference theme, we welcome  a variety of different kinds of papers, including theoretical contributions and think-pieces about the kinds of approaches which might be developed to secure neighbourhood vitality; evaluations of policy and practice which illustrate key mechanisms and challenges of neighbourhood renewal; and reflections on the experience of cross-national policy transfer. Suitable topics for such analyses might include the following:

      • People policy versus place policy
      • Neighbourhood initiatives versus city-wide initiatives
      • Case studies of cutting edge neighbourhood renewal programmes
      • Urban services, neighbourhood management and neighbourhood improvement

Contact:  Annette Hastings  [Email:]

Strategies for Viable and Vital Neighbourhoods

1.  Rob Atkinson:  The Ups and Downs of Neighbourhood Renewal: an NDC Case Study
2.  John Flint(with Suzie Scott):  Housing-Led Responses to Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour in Neighbourhoods: a Study of Glasgow Housing Association
3.  George Galster:  Targeting Investments for Neighborhood Revitalization
4.  Lucy Grimshaw:  Gender and Neighbourhood Renewal in England
5.  Stefan Kreutz:  New Strategies for Private Sector Involvement in Area Development: Neighbourhood and Housing Improvement Districts
6.  Paul Lawless:  New Deal for Communities in England: Is Area Based Urban Regeneration Possible?
7.  Eileen Lepine:  Understanding the Vitality of Neighbourhood Governance in Terms of Sites, Spaces and Spheres
8.  Zhan McIntyre:  The Ethopolitics of Housing Habitus: Exploring the Power Dynamic of Mixed Communities and Urban Renewal Projects
9.  Madeleine Pill:  What Rationales are Driving Neighbourhood Governance Initiatives?  An Investigation in the UK and US
10.  Simon Pinnegar:  Fixed Boundaries, Dynamic Housing Policy: a Necessary Tension
11.  Anne Power:  (i) Strategies for Viable and Vital Neighbourhoods
12.  Cristiana Rossignolo:  Rethinking Urban Neighbourhoods: Territorial Outputs/Impacts and EU Lessons
13.  Helen Sullivan (ii) Explaining the Democratic Performance of Governance Networks for Neighbourhood Renewal in Denmark, England and The Netherlands
14.  Carla Tedesco:  Spreading EU Innovation into Mainstream Urban Regeneration Policy: a Neighbourhood Initiative in Southern Italy
15.  Chiara Tornaghi:  Whose Public Spaces? Neighbourhood Renewal, Conviviality and Place Making in the Milan Urban Fringe
16.  Michelle Wishardt:  The Sustainable Communities Agenda for Europe - how viable is it?