Housing Organisation and Finance

Housing Organisation and Finance

Abstracts - Workshop 12

Housing remains a cornerstone element in creating a vital city – it is the essential component of successful neighbourhoods and the map of housing opportunities helps shape the economic health, attractiveness and competitiveness of cities.  At the same time, it is a significant contributor to individual well-being and access to wealth and opportunity, so that structures of housing governance and finance have significant impacts on inequality and segregation; and empowerment and social inclusion.  For this conference theme we welcome papers that tackle this broad range of housing issues, theoretically and/or empirically, or that seek to explore or explain policy outcomes or developments at the local or national level.  Broad outline themes include:

      • Changing local housing markets and tenure structures
      • Innovations in housing finance
      • Reform of social housing

Contact:  Gwilym Pryce  [Email:  g.pryce@socsci.gla.ac.uk]

Housing Organisation and Finance 

1.  Glen Bramley:  (i) Vitality in Neighbourhood Housing Markets: Measures, Drivers etc
2.  Luisa Ingaramo:  Social Housing in Italy: the Strategic Areas of Intervention (this paper will be presented by Stefania Sabatino)

3.  W Dennis Keating:  The Glasgow Housing Transfer: a Mid-Term Evaluation
4.  Chris Leishman:  Hedonic Methods and the Housing Market as a Multi-Level Spatial System
5.  Eric Levin:  The Wealth Inequality Illusion: Have House Prices in More Expensive Areas Really been Rising at a Faster Rate?
6.  Gwilym Pryce:  Identifying the Boundaries of Housing Submarkets: An Inflation Surface Approach
7.  Svetla Zelendova:  New Residential Differentiation in Post-Socialist City: the Case of Prague Inner City