Conference Papers

Conference Papers

Plenary Session 1

Clark, Greg:  no paper available but Powerpoint presentation is available at Presentations

Musterd, Professor Sako [Co-author Wilma Bakker](Plenary Session 1): Soft and Hard Conditions for the Urban Economy:  Amenities, Agglomeration Economies, and the Role of Size and Scale

For Plenary Session presentations please refer to the web page containing the Presentations.

Workshop Sessions

Workshop Themes  
1.  Resurgent European Cities
7.  Strategies for Viable and Vital Neighbourhoods 
2.  Diversity, Cohesion and the Richness of Cities
8.  Urban Governance
3.  Branding the Distinctive City
9.  Community Activism and Civic Innovation
4.  The Urban Environment and 'Quality of Place'
10. Health and Public Policy
5.  Workshop cancelled
11. Real Estate Development and City Planning 
6.  Neighbourhood Dynamics and Urban Vitality
12. Urban Form, Transport and Sustainability 

Workshop papers which have been submitted post-conference are accessible below (author surname alphabetical order):

Adams, David and DeSousa Chris (WS Theme 11): Brownfield Development: a Comparison of North American and British Approaches

Aditjandra, Paulus, Mulley, Corinne and Nelson John (WS Theme 13): Neighbourhood Design Perception and Travel Behaviour in Tyne and Wear, North East England, United Kingdom

Agger, Annika and Larsen, Jacob Norvig (WS Theme 9): Public Deliberation, Community Capacity and Neighbourhood Dynamics

Alibegovic, Dubravka Jurlina (WS Theme 8): Successfulness of Urban Development and Management

Armondi, Simonetta (WS Theme 1): Development, Territories, Institutions Through Immediacy and Mediation: Rethinking Middle CIties in Italy

Atkinson, Rob (WS Theme 7): EU Urban Policy, European Urban Policies and the Neighbourhood: An overview of concepts, programmes and strategies

Berkoz, Lale (WS Theme 1): The Intra-metropolitan Determinants of Foreign Investment Firms in Istanbul

Briata, Paola (WS Theme 2): The Concept of "Culture" in Multi-Ethnic Areas Regeneration Policies: Common Views, Weaknesses, Experiences, Perspectives

Brownill, Sue, Carpenter, Juliet and Dixon Tim (WS Theme 8): "Fit for purpose?  Multilevel governance in the Thames Gateway"

Burns, Malcolm (WS Theme 13) : The Outward Expansion of the Built-Up Areas of Madrid and Barcelona into their Surrounding Metropolitan Regions (1986-2004)

Buurmans, Karen (WS Theme 4): "To know the Path is to Rule the System": Frame - Pattern - Circuit Analysis

Cividin, Alessia (WS Theme 11): Processes for Territorial Cohesion in Terms of Relational Links: Issues Providing an Infrastructure for Regional Spatial Planning 

Clark, Terry, Navarro, Clemente and Silver, Daniel (WS Theme 1): Scenes: Social Contexts in an Age of Contingency

Dannestam, Tove (WS Theme 8): The Entrepreneurial City in a Scandinavian Context: A Conceptual and Political Challenge?

Davies, Jonathan, S (WS Theme 8): Against 'Partnership': Toward a Local Challenge to Global Neoliberalism

Dempsey, Nicola (WS Theme 4): Are High Quality Neighbourhoods Socially Cohesive? Methodological Challenges of Unpacking Multidimensional Concepts

De Bois, Peter and Buurmans, Karen (WS Theme 8):  “to know the Path is to Rule the System”- Case Study New Town Almere (NL)

Dekker, Karien and Bolt, Gideon (WS Theme 9) :   Exit, Voice and Loyalty:  Residents' Responses to Neighbourhood Decline

Doucet, Brian (WS Theme 3): Panacea or Urban Problem?: Understanding the Impact of Flagship Regeneration 

D'Ovidio, Marianna and Vicari Haddock, Serena (WS Theme 1a): Fashion and the City - Social Interaction and Creativity in London and Milan

Dunstan, Katie (WS Theme 6): Creating a Liveability Indicator: The Neighbourhood Liveability Assessment Survey (NLAS)

Evans, Alan W and Hartwich, Dr Oliver M (WS Theme 11): Best Laid Plans

Florentino, Rui (WS Theme 8) :   The Spatial Governance of the Lisbon ’s Metropolitan Region

Forward Scotland [Frazer Scott] (WS Theme 10): Making the Connections:  Well-Being and Sustainable Development [NB: this paper was prepared for but not presented at the conference]

Glynn, Sarah (WS Theme 9): Soft-Selling Gentrification?

Gourlay, Glen (WS Theme 6): 'It's got a bad name and it sticks...' - Approaching Stigma as a Distinct Focus of Neighbourhood Regeneration Initiatives

Grimshaw, Lucy (WS Theme 7): Exploring gender in neighbourhood renewal: the role of women in neighbourhoods

Hernandez Gonzales, Edna (WS Theme 3): Branding City by Night in the World Heritage Cities: the Case of Lyon, France

Huning, Sandra (WS Theme 8): Political Action in Urban Space: Public Spaces in the City as Frame and Stage for Political Action

Ingaramo, Luisa (WS Theme 12): Social Housing in Italy: the Strategic Areas of Intervention

Keating, Dennis (WS Theme 12): The Glasgow Housing Transfer: A Mid-Term Evaluation

Keignaert, Koenraad (WS Theme 8): Urban Governance for Innovative Practices: the Theoretical Case of Amsterdam and Antwerp

Kreutz Stefan, (WS Theme 7): The Model of Neighbourhood Improvement Districts in Hamburg: New Strategies for Private Sector Involvement in Area Development

Lawless, Paul (WS Theme 7):  The New Deal for Communities Programme in England: Is Area Based Urban Regeneration Possible?

Lepine, Eileen (WS Theme 7): Understanding the Vitality of Neighbourhood Governance in Terms of Sites, Spaces and Spheres  

Nieweler, Stephan (WS Theme 13): Public Transport Orientated Development:  Lessons from North America and Asia

Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Anna (WS Theme 3): The Contribution of Tourism to the Industrial Heritage Recovery and New Quality Environment of the East Europan Cities (Poland)

Pill, Madeleine (WS Theme 7): What Rationales are Driving Neighbourhood Governance Initiatives? An Investigation in the UK and US

Purdue, Derrick (WS Theme 9): Community Activism or Policy Implementation? Resident to Resident Learning in Neighborhood Governance

Rossignolo, Cristiana, De Candia, Angela and Toldo, Alessia (WS Theme 7): Rethinking Urban Neighbourhoods: Territorial Outputs/Impacts and EU lessons

Rota, Francesca Silvia and Vanolo, Alberto (WS Theme 3): The Hyper-Real Urban Landscape: Representations of Turin in the Eyes of Foreign Investors

Sahin, Nil Pasaoglulari (WS Theme 4): An Assessment of Quality of Life in Residential Environments: Case of Selimiye Quarter in Walled City of Nicosia, North Cyprus

Sobczak, Anna (WS Theme 8): The Impact of Europeanization on the Mobilization of Local Actors in European Cities - A Comparative Analysis of Krakow and Glasgow

Stampfli, Pierre (WS Theme 12) : To Study the Effect Large Infrastructure Impose on Urban Development and to Generate a Model using the Example of the Canton of Geneva

Tan, Wendy and Klaasen Ina (WS Theme 4): 24/7 Environments: a Theoretical and Empirical Exploration from an Urban Planner's Perspective

Tedesco, Carla (WS Theme 7): Spreading EU Innovation into Mainstream Urban Regeneration Policy: a Neighbourhood Initiative in Southern Italy

Teerds, Hans (WS Theme 4): Landscape as Public Domain

Tornaghi, Chiara (WS Theme 7): Whose Public Spaces? Neighbourhood Renewal, Conviviality and Place Making in the Milan Urban Fringe

Tosics, Iván (WS Theme 13): City-Regions in Europe: the Potentials and the Realities - Special Outlook:  the Role of Public Transport Cooperation

Trip, Jan Jacob (WS Theme 1): Path Dependency and Factors of Change in the Post-Industrial Urban Economy

Tunström, Moa (WS Theme 11): Discursive Place Making: Expressions of "Urban Renaissance" in Sweden

Van de Wijdeven, Ted and Hendriks, Frank (WS Theme 9)Real-Life Expressions of Vital Citizenship:  Present-Day Community Participation in Dutch City Neighbourhoods

Van der Heiden, Nico (WS Theme 1): City's Foreign Policy - Competitiveness through Citizens Exclusion?

Last update: 18 December 2007