Abstracts and Papers

Abstracts and Papers


Abstracts which have been accepted are listed under each workshop theme (see List of Workshops).  All abstracts can be viewed in the Book of Abstracts(1313 kb), which is organised by Workshop. Each Workshop page also has the papers for that stream in a single file as well.

Workshop Presentations

All Workshop presentations will be made using Powerpoint in PCs (NOT Macs).  Presenters are requested to bring their presentations with them in a USB Flash Drive/Memory Stick/Pen Drive.  If they wish to do so, presenters can bring hard copies of their presentations/papers with them to distribute at their Workshop (there will be no photocopying facilities at the conference venue).

Length of presentation:  c.15 minutes - absolute maximum of 20 minutes.  In a 1½ hour session with four presentations in each session, this leaves time for discussion.  Sessions with only three presentations can have a longer discussion period.

NB:  Please note that no emails can be sent or checked using any of the Workshop PCs. 


Full papers will be included on the EURA Conference website after the conference has taken place. If you wish to make paper copies available at the conference, please ensure you bring sufficient with you. There will not be any facilities for copying at the conference venue.

In preparing your paper, you are requested to follow these guidelines:

  • Papers should be 6-8000 words in length and should include abstract, keywords and full references.
  • They must be submitted as a single file containing all tables and figures.
  • Papers should be provided as a pdf where possible. Alternatively, they may be provided as a single Word document and we will produce the pdf file but we cannot accept any responsibility for changes in layout or formatting which occur as a result.

If you would like your paper to be included on the website, please email it to Jeane Bonner (j.bonner@lbss.gla.ac.uk) by 30 September 2007.

Last update: 30 October 2007