The joint objective of the Particle Physics groups in Experiment (PPE) and Theory (PPT) is to carry out world-class research and postgraduate research training in particle physics and underpinning detector technology and Grid developments.
The PPE group is determined to be one of the small number of groups which are recognised as being the best in international particle physics research.
We made major contributions to the discovery of the Higgs boson (leading to the 2013 Nobel Prize) and to the opening of new frontiers by the ATLAS and LHCb experiments. These and other group research highlights are listed here.
What are we currently working on?
- Data-taking and analysis at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (ATLAS and LHCb)
- Developments for future accelerator projects (LHC upgrades, Neutrinos, ILC, FCC)
- Semiconductor detector technology for Particle Physics and other applications (GLADD)
- Computer Grid developments for LHC (GridPP, ScotGrid)
- (with PPT) Phenomenology in the Standard Model and beyond
- (with PPT) Lattice QCD for flavour physics
Who supports us?
- The PPE group is supported by major grants from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).
- Both PPE and PPT groups and the department gain strength through the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA). Read more.
- Several staff members and students are supported by The Royal Society.
How do we invest in facilities & technology?
Research spend (latest figures) is around £2.5 million per year. The current grant portfolio is over £10 million.
The University has expanded our laboratory and computing space and provided equipment worth more than £1 million in recent years, and has invested in the Glasgow Laboratory for Advanced Detector Development (GLADD).
The PPE group has invested in the future through excellent facilities for the development of new detectors and fabrication methods that enhance our ability to develop leading-edge detector technologies. We make extensive use of the University’s James Watt Nanofabrication Centre.
Through our expertise in Grid, we have led the establishment of the Scottish Grid Service (ScotGrid) and the UK Grid for Particle Physics (GridPP) as part of international developments.
International Context
The PPE group is at the forefront of international programmes to uncover the fundamental particles and interactions that drive physics at the smallest distance scales.
Our research successes enable all staff members to head significant projects in internationally competitive environments. Current major involvements are led by:
- Tony Doyle (PPE Group Leader)
- Richard Bates (Detector Development)
- Andy Buckley (Future Circular Collider)
- Dave Britton (GridPP Project Leader)
- Craig Buttar (ATLAS Upgrade)
- Lucia Grillo (LHCb)
- James Howarth (ATLAS top-quark properties and quantum entanglement)
- Phillip Litchfield (Neutrinos)
- Mark Owen (ATLAS)
- Aidan Robson (Future Linear Collider)
- Paul Soler (LHCb and Neutrinos)
- Mark Whitehead (LHCb amplitude analyses)
This work is further enhanced by attracting Research and Advanced Fellows: