Celtic & Gaelic current Research Students


  • Myra Booth-Cockcroft, Examining patron and scribal tastes: the historical context of Llyfr Goch Hergest
  • Saga Crawford, Manipulators, Madmen, and Movers of Stories: The Tricksters of Medieval Irish Literature
  • Heather Ford, Appealing to the Past in Uncertain Times: an interdisciplinary study of the reuse and evocation of prehistoric standing stones in the monumental epigraphy of early medieval Scotland.
  • Joan Marie Gallagher, Chwedyl Iarlles y Ffynnawn as a ‘native' tale: exploring Chwedyl Iarlles y Ffynnawn in its literary, social and manuscript context
  • Gwen Jones-Edward, The end of the Kingdom of Strathclyde: what happened to the Britons and who were the Lennox who succeeded them?
  • Korpi Kardell, A Scottish Gaelic Translation of 'Röde Orm'
  • Brittnee Leysen, Introduced Pakeha place-names in New Zealand's Otago region
  • Amy McLaughlan, The Female Body in Medieval Welsh Literature and Law
  • Robbie MacLeod, Gendered loves in early Gaelic literature
  • Elena Orpianesi, The lost manuscript culture of early medieval Scotland and Man: the evidence of  Early Medieval Manx and Scottish Latinate Inscriptions (EMMSLI)
  • Kathleen Reddy, Dia leam / God with me: vernacular religious practice in Catholic Gaelic communities
  • Gemma Smith, Shieling landscapes of North West Sutherland: people, place and ecology
  • Margaret Stewart, Air an Àirigh: Coimhearsnachd, Caitheamh-Beatha is Mòinteach Nis - Air an Àirigh / At the Shieling: Community, memory and the North Lewis moors
  • Eleanor Thomson, The Grand Old Man’ of Gaelic letters. Calum MacPhàrlain and the Celtic Revival in Scotland, c. 1891-1930

Recently Completed Theses

Some theses produced by researchers in Celtic and Gaelic include the undernoted, which are all available from the Glasgow Theses Service:-

  • 'The relic cult of St Patrick between the seventh and the late twelfth centuries in its European contexts: A focus on the lives'
  • 'Gaelic place-names and the social history of Gaelic speakers in medieval Menteith'
  • 'Innis-na-Fìrinne: Dòmhnall Mac-na Ceàrdaich (1885-1932) agus a obair fhoillsichte'


MPhil by Research

MLitt by Research

Master by Research (MRes)